Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2010 The influence of a computer course to reduce the digital divide on feelings of self efficacy, attitudes towards computers, and ability to integrate in the workforce of adults with hearing impairment (HEBREW) MA Solomon, Sara Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2010 The influence of a computer course to reduce the digital divide on feelings of self efficacy, attitudes towards computers, and ability to integrate in the workforce of adults with hearing impairment (HEBREW) MA Solomon, Sara Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2010 School staff perceptions of school violence and their willingness to endorse intervention programs (HEBREW) MA Stanger, Adi Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2010 Collective learning from success as perceived by school superintendents (HEBREW) MA Tchelet, Natali Prof. Chen Schechter
2010 Experienced by masorti students studying in the educational school climate the religios school (HEBREW) MA Vaknin, Inbal Dr. Elli Schachter
2010 Violence inside and outside the school as perceived by involved parties: a functional and cognitive perspective (HEBREW) PhD Weinberger-Dizer, Yael Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2010 The effect of literacy instruction embedded in a specific academic domain on students’ reading comprehension, writing, self efficacy and achievement (HEBREW) MA Yeshayahu, Malka Dr. Miriam Alfassi
2010 The equality policy ethos in the Jewish sector of Israel’s educational system: 1953-2005 (HEBREW) PhD Yosef, Galit Prof. Haim Gaziel
2010 From college to university: the college of Judea and Samaria in Ariel (1982-2007): an issue of academic legitimacy (HEBREW) PhD Zelikovski Katz, Dana Prof. Yaakov Iram
2010 The legal rights of the child with learning disabilities in the regular education system (HEBREW) MA Ziv-Or, Meira Associate Prof. Israel Zvi Gilat
2010 Effects of early intervention for children with regulation disorder of sensory processing on mother-child interaction and on children’s self-regulation (HEBREW) MA Zukerman-Benziman, Adi Prof. Pnina Klein
2009 Science and technology mini-museum at high school: an authentic learning environment for the development of scientific knowledge, self-efficacy and positive attitudes towards science among students (HEBREW) MA Aloni, Oshra Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2009 Science and technology mini-museum at high school: an authentic learning environment for the development of scientific knowledge, self-efficacy and positive attitudes towards science among students (HEBREW) MA Aloni, Oshra Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2009 The connnection between "mass media" curriculum and civic perceptions, democratic attitudes and involvement in democratic processes amang Israeli high school students (HEBREW) PhD Alt, Dorit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2009 The relationship between principals’ sense of uncertainty and organizational learning mechanisms MA Asher, Naomi Prof. Chen Schechter
2009 The influence of "supported employment" in the community, on persons with mental disabilities in the medical-mental, psychological and social fields (HEBREW) MA Ashkenazy, Ravit Dr. Mati Ronen
2009 Socialization processes and gender identity among Arab women (Moslems & Christians) who studied in the Israeli educational system (HEBREW) MA Azoni, Rasha Prof. Zehavit Gross
2009 The educational significance of haredi film for children and youth (HEBREW) PhD Ba-Gad-Elimelech, Vered Dr. David Resnick
2009 Social information processing and self-concept among students with learning disability according to the social comparison model: when comparing themselves to their peers and to students with typical development with reference to the educational..(HEBREW) MA Ben David, Libat Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2009 The relation of child care quality and child characteristics to child care separation / reunion behaviors (HEBREW) MA Ben-David, Natan Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2009 One role, several faces: the case of community center director: a facet theory analysis (HEBREW) MA Ben-Noah, Zvi Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2009 The relationship between the perceptions of school ecology and school violence of students, teachers and parents in elementary schools (HEBREW) PhD Ben-Zur Schneider, Ronit Dr. Hannah Shachar
2009 Does repeated reading of an educational electronic book promote young children’s emergent literacy? : a comparison between pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Blau, Hila Prof. Ofra Korat
2009 The Future of Jewish education in South Africa from the point of view of a group of Jewish educators: An ethnographic futures r MA Codron, Marc Prof. David Passig
2009 Bolstering the sense of self-efficacy and identity of teachers through the medium of three empowerment techniques: coaching, psychodrama and frontal empowerment (HEBREW) MA Danan, Saadia Prof. Yaacov Katz