Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2023 Syntactic knowledge in a foreign language : examining cross language transfer effects in L2 noun phrase comprehension MA Zluf, Barak Dr. Ayelet Ben-Sasson
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2023 Comparison between the value system of adolescents from different religious levels in the Jewish sector in Israel (HEBREW) MA Zurinam, Ofira Prof. Zehavit Gross
Dr. Miri Goldratt
2022 Effect of exposing to a creative environment on novel metaphor generation (HEBREW) MA Himan Heltai, Shahar Prof. Nira Mashal
2022 Combining verbal representation strategies with visual mental representation strategy, and its contribution to informational text reading comprehension (HEBREW) MA Shamir Tsabari, Neta Prof. Rachel Schiff
2022 Personal identity and disability awareness, quality of life and future orientation among adults with intellectual disabilities as reflected in their life stories narratives (HEBREW) MA Vinograd-Karadi, Morag Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2022 Classroom educator as a political teacher : antecedents and consequences on parent-teacher relationship (HEBREW) PhD Adam, Ronit Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
2022 To improve, to conserve, to be meaningful : three types of generativity motivations among midlife high school counselors (HEBREW) MA Adler, Orit Dr. Elli Schachter
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2022 To improve, to conserve, to be meaningful : three types of generativity motivations among midlife high school counselors (HEBREW) MA Adler, Orit Dr. Elli Schachter
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2022 Combining interface components that support accelerating learning in a virtual reality environment for the acquisition of vocabulary in Hebrew as a foreign language (HEBREW) MA Aharoni, Adi Prof. David Passig
2022 Accommodating students' diversity and needs in science studies : a multi-faceted holistic approach PhD Aloni, Oshra Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2022 Accommodating students' diversity and needs in science studies : a multi-faceted holistic approach PhD Aloni, Oshra Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2022 Contribution of SES and duration of literacy activity at home to parental evaluation of their child literacy skills : a comparison between pre and during Covid-19 period in the Arab society (HEBREW) MA Amer, Khadija Prof. Ofra Korat
2022 Different approaches to teaching motion problems : the impact of the teaching method on student's knowledge, with regard to gender differences (HEBREW) MA Ashkenazi, Hagit Dr. Iris Schreiber
Prof. Michal Zion
2022 Different approaches to teaching motion problems : the impact of the teaching method on student's knowledge, with regard to gender differences (HEBREW) MA Ashkenazi, Hagit Dr. Iris Schreiber
Prof. Michal Zion
2022 Holocaust education and memory bequeathing in state schools in Israel (HEBREW) MA Asor-Langer, Gali Prof. Zehavit Gross
2022 The role of executive functions in reading comprehension of adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder PhD Avramovich, Adi Dr. Menahem Yeari
2022 Intergenerational transmission of the Holocaust story and its relation to the sense of coherence among the second generation of Holocaust survivors (HEBREW) MA Bazar-Magder, Rivka Prof. Zehavit Gross
2022 An EF-based multi component word reading intervention for struggling readers : effects on literacy, metalinguistic, and cognitive skills MA Belisha, Dana Prof. Rachel Schiff
2022 Efficiency of incorporated educational institutions in Israel : a comparative study versus educational institutions that are not incorporated (HEBREW) PhD Bentolila, Avraham Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2022 A case study of pandemics challenges: toward teachers' training MA Boaron, Hodaya Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2022 Identity and personality traits as moderators between workplace and teachers' well-being (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Asaf Associate Prof. Nir Madjar
2022 The Impact of bilingual narrative intervention (BINARI) on narrative skills among bilingual Russian - Hebrew preschool children with DLD MA Dadon - Jorno, Adaya Prof. Carmit Altman
2022 Contribution of SES, HLE and parental beliefs to literacy activity during COVID 19 : a study among Arabic-speaking preschool children (HEBREW) MA Egbaria, Abeer Prof. Ofra Korat
2022 Effects of bilingual narrative intervention (BiNarI) on second grade French-Hebrew bilingual immigrant children (HEBREW) MA Elmechali, Myriam Prof. Carmit Altman
2022 The correlation between social interaction and helping behavior among children with and without SLD and ADHD and their interaction with a virtual player MA Ezra, Michal Associate Prof. Sigal Eden