Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2023 Role of stimulus variation- based vs. stimulus constancy-based exposure and response attribution on learning and explicitness perception in artificial grammar learning (Hebrew) PhD Ashkenazi, Pesia Prof. Rachel Schiff
2023 Syntactic knowledge in a foreign language : examining cross language transfer effects in L2 noun phrase comprehension MA Zluf, Barak Dr. Ayelet Ben-Sasson
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2022 Combining verbal representation strategies with visual mental representation strategy, and its contribution to informational text reading comprehension (HEBREW) MA Shamir Tsabari, Neta Prof. Rachel Schiff
2022 An EF-based multi component word reading intervention for struggling readers : effects on literacy, metalinguistic, and cognitive skills MA Belisha, Dana Prof. Rachel Schiff
2022 Multiple dimensions of affix spelling complexity: analyzing the performance of children with dyslexia and typically developing controls MA Kimmel Loew, Ella Prof. Rachel Schiff
2021 Statistical learning and language characteristics in preschoolers with or without specific language impairment (HEBREW) MA Avital, Korin Prof. Rachel Schiff
2021 Mental spatial representation among specific language-impaired kindergartners compared with typically developed kindergartners : the influence of the aspect of the represented world that is being represented and its level of complexity (HEBREW) MA Levental, Yael Prof. Rachel Schiff
2021 Stability of spoken root morpheme in the mental lexicon : a comparison between readers with dyslexia and typically developed readers (HEBREW) MA Pocker Hazan, Noya Prof. Rachel Schiff
2020 Influence of frequency on the ability to read words in both deep and shallow orthographic systems (HEBREW) MA Day Edri, Esther Prof. Rachel Schiff
2020 Artificial grammar learning is facilitated by distributed practice : evidence from a production task MA Green, Hadas Prof. Rachel Schiff
2020 Semantic effects on oral implicit and explicit morphological processing : comparison between typical readers and readers with dyslexia (HEBREW) MA Marton, Reut Prof. Rachel Schiff
2020 Impact of diglossia on acquisition of spoken and standard Arabic : narrative and expository text production in speaking and writing (HEBREW) PhD Shibel, Suha Sabbah Prof. Rachel Schiff
Dr. Elinor saiegh haddad
2020 Contribution of feedback to statistical learning processes in aural modality, distinguishing between implicit learning and explicit learning : comparison between readers with dyslexia and readers with normal reading development (HEBREW) MA Star, Galit Prof. Rachel Schiff
2019 Examination of statistical learning, implicit and explicit, via artificial grammar learning task in visual and auditory modalities comparison between poor and skilled spellers (HEBREW) MA Gilad Partiano, Rotem Dr. Shani Kahta
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2019 Implicit statistical learning and explicit statistical learning in an artificial grammar learning : a comparison between typically developing and dyslexic adults readers (HEBREW) MA Wosner, Yifa Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Semantic effects on implicit and explicit morphological knowledge in two socioeconomic backgrounds (HEBREW) MA Kiassi-Lebel, Mali Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Cognitive skill acquisition among students with attention deficit hyper-activity disorder (HEBREW) MA Kirstain Saar, Adi Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Why is it hard being a friend while playing? : relations of cognitive functioning in a controlled environment to friendship in children with ADHD in comparison to typically developed children (HEBREW) PhD Lipshatz Eshwege, Sharon Prof. Rachel Schiff
Dr. Ronny Geva
2018 Executive functions and their effect on phonology and morphology abilities : a comparison between specific language impairment and typically developed kindergartners (HEBREW) MA Ohayon, Yifat Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Spelling of function letters in Hebrew among Hebrew-speaking students (HEBREW) MA Rosenstock, Shlomit Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 The development of reference ability : a comparison between children with SLI and children with normal language development (HEBREW) MA Shaham, Aliza Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Updating processes following contradictory information in a narrative text : the degree of reader’s access to previous information (HEBREW) MA Shapira, Sivan Prof. Rachel Schiff
2017 The development of lexical, morph. lexical and morphological processing : comparison between middle-high and low socioeconomic backgrounds (HEBREW) MA Amit, Adva Prof. Rachel Schiff
2017 Procedural learning and the ability to transfer verbal stimuli and nonverbal stimuli: comparison between readers with developmental dyslexia to normal readers (HEBREW) MA Davidovitch, Tali Prof. Rachel Schiff
Prof. Eli Vakil
2017 Acquisition of artificial grammar amongst who are challenged in mastering of English as a foreign language (HEBREW) MA Fried Noy Dr. Shani Kahta
Prof. Rachel Schiff