SEE ALSO THESES AND DISSERTATIONS IN HEBREW Degree - Any -MAPhD Advisor - Any -Aaronson Raphael Zvi of Blessed MemoryAdi-Japha EstherAflalo MichalAhrend Moshé Max of Blessed MemoryAlfassi MiriamAltman CarmitAlyagon MichalApel ZeevArmon-Lotem, SharonAsif TsemachAvargil ShirlyBabkoff HarveyBar-Lev Mordechai of Blessed MemoryBar-On AmaliaBat-Zion, NaomiBauminger-Zviely NiritBen-Itzchak EsterBen-Sasson, AyeletBen-Zvi RuthBenDavid-Hadar IrisBenoliel PascaleBental AyeletBentur NettaBerant EtyBornstein JacobBrand EvaBrawer, Chaim I. of Blessed MemoryCatz OrCohen ArieCohen Erik H. of Blessed MemoryCohen-Malayev MayaCourt DeborahDadon-Golan ZehoritDana-Picard NoahDaniel RavivDarom EfarimDarom EfraimDiesendruck GilDon RamiDon-Yehiya EliezerDor-Shav ZechariaEden SigalEfrati YanivEiserhammer MeiraEliav, MordechaiElizur DovEtzion DafnaFaust MiriamFeldman Adriana of Blessed MemoryFeldman RuthFeuerstein Reuven of Blessed MemoryFinzi, RickyFixler DrorFrishtik MordechaiFund ZviaGabis LidiaGaziel HaimGeva RonnyGilat Israel ZviGillis Miriam of Blessed MemoryGlanz Iosef of Blessed MemoryGlaubman RivkaGoldberg YoelGreen AGross ZehavitGross, YigalGudman Ruth of Blessed MemoryGutel NeriaHalamish VeredHalperin EranHarel-Fisch YossiHarrison, Jo-AnnHartman TovaHavlin ShlomoHazan HaimHeiman TaliHenik AvishaiHolzer ElieIluz ShiraIram YaakovIsaacson AtaraIsman EstherIsraelashvili MosheJagerman NuritJeffrey WoolfKaniel ShlomoKatz Yaacov of Blessed MemoryKatzoff, CharlotteKimhi YaelKirsh NuritKlein JosephKlein MosheKlein Pnina, of Blessed MemoryKorat OfraKramarski BrachaLeslau Avraham of Blessed MemoryLevinger UrielLevinson YosefLevy-Gigi EinatLifshitz HefzibaLivnat ZoharMadjar NirMashal NiraMaslovaty Nava, of Blessed MemoryMeiron OdedMenis JosephMerzbach ElyMevarech ZmiraMichael OrlyMichalsky TovaMikulincer MarioMoed AnatNachmias, ShlomoNadler ShmuelNeuman MenahemNussbaum JosephOchs David of Blessed MemoryOffir BaruchOr-Bach IsraelOrnan EttyPassig DavidPaz-Baruch NuritPeleg OrnaPinhasov AlbertPoll ShlomoPoria YanivRam-Tzur RonitRand Yaacov of Blessed MemoryRappel Dov of Blessed MemoryRaveh MichalRavid DoritRazel MichaResnick DavidReychav IrisRich YisraelRolider AmosRomi ShlomoRonen MatiRoss TamarRubin NissanSadetzki, Siegalsaiegh haddad ElinorSaiegh-Haddad ElinorSchachter ElliSchechter ChenScherz ZahavaSchiff RachelSchneller, Raphael of Blessed MemorySchreiber IrisSchremer OdedSchwarzwald, OraShachar HannahShachar RinaShamir AdinaShani KahtaShapira-Lishchinsky OrlySharvit UriShefer ShaharShemida Miryam of Blessed MemoryShen, YeshayahuShield OzerShifron, RachelShnider M.Shohet CillyShrira AmitShulman ShmuelSimpson ShimonSimpson SimonSobelman-Rosenthal VardaSohlberg Shaul C.Spanier Zeev of Blessed MemorySpektor-Levy OrnitStern Eliezer of Blessed MemoryStern HindySukenik NufarSwan JoshuaTal DaliaTaub DavidTidhar ChavaTrau HenriTubul-Lavy GilaTzuriel DavidVakil EliWalk JosephWalters JoelWaniel ArielaWasserstein-Warnet, Mark M.Weiss YitzhakWeller LeonardWohl ArieYablon Yaacov B.Yaoz Hana, of Blessed MemoryYeari MenahemYinon AvigailYoel UriZalkin Avraham of Blessed MemoryZion MichalZiv, A.Zivotofsky Ari Z.Zuckerman Davidאל יגון מיכלבן יצחק אסתרגלבע אבידיזנדרוק גיל הבלין שלמהוולף יובלזיידרמן אדריאןמיקולינסר מריופיקסלר דרורצוקרמן דודרבקה אלקושישחר רינהשקדי אשר Year - Any -20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970 Search Reset Year Student Advisor 2013 The children’s newspaper as an educational values tool: "Davar L’yeladim" between 1948-1958 and children’s newspapers in the 21th century : a comparative look (HEBREW) PhD Mayrav, Liat Associate Prof. Deborah CourtProf. Yaakov Iram 2010 Teacher training for moral education in state colleges in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Buzaglo, Aharon Prof. Yaakov Iram 2010 Curricular approaches of a group of Israeli teachers of Jewish subjects during their teacher education and while teaching independently (HEBREW) PhD Levi, Liora Prof. Yaakov Iram 2010 From college to university: the college of Judea and Samaria in Ariel (1982-2007): an issue of academic legitimacy (HEBREW) PhD Zelikovski Katz, Dana Prof. Yaakov Iram 2008 Multiculturalism in teacher education in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Gilday Weitzman, Binna Associate Prof. Deborah CourtProf. Yaakov Iram 2007 The role of the Druze school system in shaping the personality, identity and level of citizenship of its students: an ethnographic case study in two Druze high schools (HEBREW) PhD Abbas, Randa Associate Prof. Deborah CourtProf. Yaakov Iram 2006 Acculturation processes and adaptation to studies and society of Ethiopian-born adolescents in state religious youth villages (HEBREW) PhD Shitreet, Eli Prof. Yaakov Iram 2005 Academization in higher education: processes of conceptual and structural changes in higher education in Israel (1975-2000) (HEBREW) PhD Fessler, Aliza Prof. Yaakov Iram 2005 Dilemmas in imparting political knowledge and understanding in the Israeli state educational system (HEBREW) PhD Wahrman, Hillel Prof. Yaakov Iram 2003 Trends in development of the regional colleges and their impact on the higher education system in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Davidovich, Nitza Prof. Yaakov IramDr. Ozer Shield 2002 Early childhood education patterns in Japan in the end of the 20th century (1980-2000) (HEBREW) MA Toledano, Ada Prof. Yaakov Iram 2001 Modifications in the education science curricula of the elementary track in the colleges of education (HEBREW) PhD Shagrir Leah Prof. Yaakov Iram 2000 The Jewish youth movement "Ezra" - Tora, Nationalism and Pioneering (1936-1988) (HEBREW) PhD Navon (Phima), Haim Prof. Yaakov Iram 1999 Dimensional differences in reading by expert readers (HEBREW) PhD Eizenhamer, Meira Prof. Zecharia Dor-ShavProf. Yaakov Iram 1998 Educational intervention for the conceptualization of individual and collective Jewish identity in a democratic society (HEBREW) MA Schechter, Miriam Prof. Yaakov Iram 1995 The joining of the union of teachers to the general federation of labour (Histadrut) (HEBREW) MA Even Shushan Ruthi Prof. Yaakov Iram 1994 Developments in pre-military education in Israel (1918-1993) (HEBREW) MA Shaked, Bella Prof. Yaakov Iram 1991 The education system of modern Japan and its centrality in society (HEBREW) MA Eran, Sarah Prof. Yaakov Iram 1989 The development of early childhood and education system in Israel - changes and innovations in concepts and content 1950-1980 MA Shulman Malka Prof. Yaakov Iram 1987 Educational problem in Eretz Israel (Palestine) 1919 to 1928 as reflected in the daily newspapers (HEBREW) MA Katz, Ziva Prof. Yaakov Iram 1986 Feminism and equality of the sexes in education in Israel (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Orah Prof. Yaakov Iram 1986 Phenomenology of open education - differentiating between education profiles employing the S.C.A.L. - a set of components of active learning (HEBREW) PhD Glaubman, Rivka Prof. Yaakov Iram 1985 The Hebrew-National Teacher during the period of the First Aliyah (1882-1903) (HEBREW) MA Krim, Shoshana Prof. Yaakov Iram 1984 Yisrael Belkind and "Kiriat-Sefer": A chapter in the history of National Hebrew Education in Eretz-Yisrael (1903-1929) (HEBREW) MA Tarshish Zvi Prof. Yaakov Iram 1983 The history of the Hebrew gymnasiums in Kovno between the two world wars, 1918-1940 (HEBREW) MA Alexandrov, Leah Prof. Yaakov Iram Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last »