SEE ALSO THESES AND DISSERTATIONS IN HEBREW Degree - Any -MAPhD Advisor - Any -Aaronson Raphael Zvi of Blessed MemoryAdi-Japha EstherAflalo MichalAhrend Moshé Max of Blessed MemoryAlfassi MiriamAltman CarmitAlyagon MichalApel ZeevArmon-Lotem, SharonAsif TsemachAvargil ShirlyBabkoff HarveyBar-Lev Mordechai of Blessed MemoryBar-On AmaliaBat-Zion, NaomiBauminger-Zviely NiritBen-Itzchak EsterBen-Sasson, AyeletBen-Zvi RuthBenDavid-Hadar IrisBenoliel PascaleBental AyeletBentur NettaBerant EtyBornstein JacobBrand EvaBrawer, Chaim I. of Blessed MemoryCatz OrCohen ArieCohen Erik H. of Blessed MemoryCohen-Malayev MayaCourt DeborahDadon-Golan ZehoritDana-Picard NoahDaniel RavivDarom EfarimDarom EfraimDiesendruck GilDon RamiDon-Yehiya EliezerDor-Shav ZechariaEden SigalEfrati YanivEiserhammer MeiraEliav, MordechaiElizur DovEtzion DafnaFaust MiriamFeldman Adriana of Blessed MemoryFeldman RuthFeuerstein Reuven of Blessed MemoryFinzi, RickyFixler DrorFrishtik MordechaiFund ZviaGabis LidiaGaziel HaimGeva RonnyGilat Israel ZviGillis Miriam of Blessed MemoryGlanz Iosef of Blessed MemoryGlaubman RivkaGoldberg YoelGreen AGross ZehavitGross, YigalGudman Ruth of Blessed MemoryGutel NeriaHalamish VeredHalperin EranHarel-Fisch YossiHarrison, Jo-AnnHartman TovaHavlin ShlomoHazan HaimHeiman TaliHenik AvishaiHolzer ElieIluz ShiraIram YaakovIsaacson AtaraIsman EstherIsraelashvili MosheJagerman NuritJeffrey WoolfKaniel ShlomoKatz Yaacov of Blessed MemoryKatzoff, CharlotteKimhi YaelKirsh NuritKlein JosephKlein MosheKlein Pnina, of Blessed MemoryKorat OfraKramarski BrachaLeslau Avraham of Blessed MemoryLevinger UrielLevinson YosefLevy-Gigi EinatLifshitz HefzibaLivnat ZoharMadjar NirMashal NiraMaslovaty Nava, of Blessed MemoryMeiron OdedMenis JosephMerzbach ElyMevarech ZmiraMichael OrlyMichalsky TovaMikulincer MarioMoed AnatNachmias, ShlomoNadler ShmuelNeuman MenahemNussbaum JosephOchs David of Blessed MemoryOffir BaruchOr-Bach IsraelOrnan EttyPassig DavidPaz-Baruch NuritPeleg OrnaPinhasov AlbertPoll ShlomoPoria YanivRam-Tzur RonitRand Yaacov of Blessed MemoryRappel Dov of Blessed MemoryRaveh MichalRavid DoritRazel MichaResnick DavidReychav IrisRich YisraelRolider AmosRomi ShlomoRonen MatiRoss TamarRubin NissanSadetzki, Siegalsaiegh haddad ElinorSaiegh-Haddad ElinorSchachter ElliSchechter ChenScherz ZahavaSchiff RachelSchneller, Raphael of Blessed MemorySchreiber IrisSchremer OdedSchwarzwald, OraShachar HannahShachar RinaShamir AdinaShani KahtaShapira-Lishchinsky OrlySharvit UriShefer ShaharShemida Miryam of Blessed MemoryShen, YeshayahuShield OzerShifron, RachelShnider M.Shohet CillyShrira AmitShulman ShmuelSimpson ShimonSimpson SimonSobelman-Rosenthal VardaSohlberg Shaul C.Spanier Zeev of Blessed MemorySpektor-Levy OrnitStern Eliezer of Blessed MemoryStern HindySukenik NufarSwan JoshuaTal DaliaTaub DavidTidhar ChavaTrau HenriTubul-Lavy GilaTzuriel DavidVakil EliWalk JosephWalters JoelWaniel ArielaWasserstein-Warnet, Mark M.Weiss YitzhakWeller LeonardWohl ArieYablon Yaacov B.Yaoz Hana, of Blessed MemoryYeari MenahemYinon AvigailYoel UriZalkin Avraham of Blessed MemoryZion MichalZiv, A.Zivotofsky Ari Z.Zuckerman Davidאל יגון מיכלבן יצחק אסתרגלבע אבידיזנדרוק גיל הבלין שלמהוולף יובלזיידרמן אדריאןמיקולינסר מריופיקסלר דרורצוקרמן דודרבקה אלקושישחר רינהשקדי אשר Year - Any -20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970 Search Reset Year Student Advisor 2024 Motor skills and motor skill learning : their relationship to language in late-talking children MA Dotan, Shirley Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2023 Sad but happy : understanding mixed emotions by preschool children, and transferring the understand of mixed emotions to hidden emotions (HEBREW) MA Benita Harush, Sima Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2021 Intervention for developing emotional expression abilities in preschool children and its implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic (HEBREW) MA Yadlin, Noam Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2020 Comparing learning of two modalities of a grapho-motor task by kindergarteners and adults MA Abd ElHadi, Duaa Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2020 Examining mechanisms of direct contribution, strengthening and reciprocal compensation between executive functions and visomotor integration in children's hand writing in second and third grades (HEBREW) MA Addadi-Bar, Yael Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2020 Relationship between the preschool teacher's educational perceptions and her perception of the preschool's organizational culture and parental knowledge about the preschool (HEBREW) PhD Avraham Hai, Esther Prof. Yaacov KatzProf. Esther Adi-Japha 2020 "MusiMath" two intervention programs for understanding the mathematical foundations in music and music's contribution to mathematics learning in third and fourth grade PhD Azaryahu, Libby Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2020 Literacy attainments in second graders of low-socioeconomic status : the effect of a 'pre-exam warm-up' and associations with a grapho-motor skill-learning task PhD Hollander, Chagit Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2019 Learning to understand emotions by drawing facial expressions among kindergarten children in the Arab society (HEBREW) MA Joron Khateeb Abeer Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2019 What did you discover today in preschool? the physical learning environment design that promotes inquiry and discovery - perceptions and attitudes of teachers, parents and preschoolers PhD Perry Biran, Netta Dr. Ornit Spektor-LevyProf. Esther Adi-Japha 2019 Does fixed/variable motor practice improve literacy achievements in second grade students? MA Serhan, Amira Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2017 Long term memory difficulties and DCD diagnosed children, is there any relation? (HEBREW) MA Brestel Gitit Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2017 Effects of mothers’ interactional behaviour on toddlers’ motor planning with or without sensory processing disorder (HEBREW) MA David, Adi Prof. Esther Adi-JaphaDr. Nurit Jagerman 2017 Parents knowledge about their child’s daycare : what do they know and what do they want to know? (HEBREW) MA Goldwasser-Bloch, Vered Prof. Esther Adi-JaphaDr. Cilly Shohet 2017 An observation of the differences in the attentive state of 12-18 months old infants with typical development and with regulation disorder of sensory processing during mother-infant interaction (HEBREW) MA Karabelnik Yamit Prof. Esther Adi-JaphaDr. Nurit Jagerman 2017 The Correlation between memory processing systems and reading and writing abilities in second-grade students with and without a risk for learning disabilities MA Levy, Omer Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2017 Mastery motivation of premature (less than 32 weeks gestation) and term toddlers aged 12-24 months (HEBREW) MA Neiger, Orly Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2017 Differences in maternal behavior during mother-toddler interaction between mothers of toddlers with regulation disorder of sensory processing and mothers of typically developing toddlers (HEBREW) MA Pinto Ravit Prof. Esther Adi-JaphaDr. Nurit Jagerman 2017 Comprehension and production of gestures within preschool children with specific language impairment (SLI) and children with ceberal palsy (CP), pre and post motor and semantic intervention plans (HEBREW) PhD Shamir, Inbal Prof. Esther Adi-JaphaProf. Nira Mashal 2016 Parental knowledge and perception regarding the quality of daycare in Israel : is it possible to make a difference? (HEBREW) MA Arad-Turjanski, Ayelet Prof. Esther Adi-JaphaDr. Cilly Shohet 2016 Learning and formation of procedural memory in adolescents diagnosed with ADHD (HEBREW) MA Balzar, Dafna Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2016 The relationship between thought processes which lead to creativity and executive functions: is it similar for convergent thinking and divergent thinking? (HEBREW) MA Burdman, Valery Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 2016 The impact of continous maternal depression on triadic interaction berween parents and their pre-school children (HEBREW) MA Kallush-Atia, Michal Prof. Esther Adi-JaphaProf. Ruth Feldman 2016 Behavioral changes during fever in children with autism spectrum disorder (HEBREW) MA Lev, Rivka Prof. Esther Adi-JaphaDr. Lidia GabisDr. Shahar Shefer 2016 The relation between the day-care geographical socio-economic status and parents’ demographic variables, to the day-care’s quality (HEBREW) MA Levy, Ori Prof. Esther Adi-Japha Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Next › Last page Last »