Vice dean for enhancement of teaching and learning, Head of the Special Education program (B.A.)

Dr. Esther Isman

Vice dean for enhancement of teaching and learning, Head of the Special Education program (B.A.)
Building 905 room 414
    Bachelor study programs
    Teacher training


    Encouragement Prize for Excellent M.A. Students, Bar‑Ilan University


    Encouragement Prize for Excellent M.A. Students, Bar‑Ilan University


    Mozes S. Schupf Fellowship for Excellent Ph.D. Students, Bar‑Ilan University


    Excellent Lecturer Award for the year 2013-2014, Bar‑Ilan University

    2021 Teaching Excellence Grant for the year 2020-2021, Bar-Ilan  University
    2023 Teaching Excellence Grant for the year 2022-2023, Bar-Ilan  University


    Laufer, A. & Isman, E. (2024). Long-term consequences of lockdown on internalizing, attention and externalizing problems of children with special needs. European Journal of Special Needs Education. DOI:

    Laufer, A., & Isman, E. (2024). Differential impact on parental quality of life: Comparing parents to children with autism spectrum disorder and those with other disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Child: Care, Health & Development. DOI:

    Isman, E., & Laufer, A. (2022). Following the Amendment of the Special Education Law in Israel: Perception of the Educational Setting and Parental Mental Health and Stress. International Journal of Inclusive Education . DOI:  10.1080/13603116.2022.2143914

    Laufer, A. & Isman, E. (2022). Posttraumatic growth (PTG) among parents of children with special needs. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 27(1), 18-34, DOI:

    Tzuriel, D., Isman, E., Klung, T. & Haywood, H.C. (2017). Effects of Teaching Classification on Classification, Verbal Conceptualization and Analogical Reasoning in Children with Developmental Language Delays. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 16(1), 107-124.

    Isman, E. & Tzuriel, D. (2016). Mediated Learning Experience Strategies and the Level of Jewish Women’s Religiousness in a Three Generational Perspective. Megamot, 50(3), 81-107.

    Isman, E., & Tzuriel, D. (2008). The Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) in a Three Generational Perspective. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 26, 545-560.

    Isman, E. & Tzuriel, D. (2008). The Relationship between Mother-Child Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) Strategies and Mothers' Attachment Style and Mental Health. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 7(3), 388-410.


    Isman, E., Tzuriel, D., & Klung, T. (2024). The contribution of intervention in the field of classification on classification, verbal conceptualization and analogical thinking of kindergarten children with a developmental language disorder. In A. Greenbank, G. Agam-Ben-Artzi, & E. Benjio (Eds.) The reel of life - stations in the lives of people with disabilities. Givat Washington College of Education.


    Nissim, M., Isman, E. & Bartov, G. (2024). Inclusive education: Improving teacher training and providing special education for all. Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel


    Isman, E. & Laufer, A. (2023). Empowerment through legislation: The parents’ choice and parental mental health and stress. Paper presented at the 8th International conference on Teacher Education, Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.

    Stern H., Isman, E., Spektor-Levy, O. & Altman, C. (2022). Considerations in the adaptation and translation - A focus on bilinguals. Paper presented at the International Virtual Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP).

    Isman, E., Stern, H., Spektor-Levy, O. & Altman, C. (2020). Facing challenges: Translation and adaptation of vocabulary measures to other languages or cultures. Paper presented in the EARLI Sig5 virtual academic conference on Early childhood Education: Growing up in dynamic and changing times. Bar Ilan University, Israel.

    Stern, H., Isman, E., Spektor-Levy, O. & Altman, C.(2019). Translation and adaptation of a  vocabulary assessment tool to the Hebrew language and culture- Initial findings and suggestions. Poster presented at the 9th Hadassah Conference on Communication Disorders in Multilingual and Multicultural Populations, Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem, Israel.

    Isman, E., & Tzuriel, D. (2018). Transmission of mediated learning strategies in a three generational perspective. Paper presented at the 2nd annual conference on mediated learning of the Feuerstein Institute, Jerusalem, Israel.

    Stern, H., Isman, E., Altman, C., & Spektor-Levy, O. (2018). Translation and adaptation of a receptive vocabulary assessment tool to another language with a different culture- Challenges and suggestions. Paper presented at the joint IACEP-Europe and IACEP-Middle East conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology, Prague,  Czech Republic.

    Stern, H., Isman, E., Altman, C., & Spektor-Levy, O. (2018). Translation and adaptation of a receptive vocabulary assessment tool to the Hebrew language and the Israeli culture. Roundtable presented at the multidisciplinary seminar for the study of education, School of Education, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

    Isman, E., & Tzuriel, D. (2018). Religiousness of Jewish Mothers and Grandmothers and the levels of their Mediated Learning Experience Strategies. The XVIth Biennial International Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP), Guadalajara, Mexico.

    Tzuriel, D., Isman, E. & Klung, T. (2016) The effects of intervention for classification on classification, verbal conceptualization and analogical reasoning in children with developmental and language delays. Paper presented at The Israeli Association for Literacy and Language conference, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

    Tzuriel, D., Isman., E., Klung, T. & Haywood, H.C. (2016). Classification, verbal conceptualization, and analogical reasoning among children with developmental language disorders. Paper presented at the North American regional conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP), Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

    Isman E. & Tzuriel, D. (2015). The relationships between mothers' mental health, mother-child mediated learning experience (MLE) strategies and child's cognitive modifiability. The XVth Biennial International Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP). Harokopio University, Athens, Greece.

    Klung, T., Isman, E. & Tzuriel, D. (2013). The Effects of Training in Classification on the Development of Classification, Verbal Conceptualization and Analogical Reasoning among Children with Developmental Language Delays. Paper presented at The XIVth Biennial International Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP). Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands.

    Isman, E. & Tzuriel. D. (2008). Religious orientation and the mediated learning experience in a three generational perspective. Paper presented at the International Conference of Promoting Jewish Literacy in Educational Settings, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.

    Isman, E. (2007). Subjective well-being and the mediated learning experience between mothers and preschoolers. Presented at the National Conference on Multi-Dimensional Viewpoints Towards Children with Special Needs, Bar- Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

    Isman, E. & Tzuriel. D. (2007). The mediated learning experience in a three generational perspective. The 11th International Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA.

    Isman, E. & Tzuriel. D. (2005). The effects of well-being and attachment patterns on the quality of the mediated interaction in a three generational perspective. The 10th International Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP), Durham University, England.


    77-400: Introduction to the child with special needs

    77-408: Introduction to Didactics

    77-427: The Child with Cerebral Palsy

    77-430: Educational Theories in Special Education

    77-433: Developing Structural Cognitive Modifiability Workshop- From Theory to Practice

    79-8013: Basic Didactics in Special Education

    77-4880: Inclusion of the Child with Special Needs

    77-8007: Advanced Didactics in Special Education

    77-0004: Educating Children with Special Needs


    Fields of Expertise

    Dr. Esther Isman is the the vice dean of the faculty for enhancement of teaching and learning, head of the special education bachelor's program and the faculty's digital leader. She is a fellow of the "Alumot" leadership program and founded a voluntary social enterprise providing adapted teaching and assisting education teams in schools serving the social periphery in order to help students with special needs.

    Her research focuses on the inclusion of children with special needs and the relationships between cognitive modifiability and emotional factors, language and thinking skills.

    Last Updated Date : 23/12/2024