Ghanamah, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., & Adi-Japha, E. (2024). The differential association of COVID-19 remote digital instruction period with second-grade students' graphomotor, handwriting, visual, and sequential memory skills. Learning and Instruction, 91.
Ghanamah, R., Eghbaria-Ghanamah, H., Karni, A., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). Dot-to-dot practice enhances Children’s handwriting: The advantage of a multi-session training protocol. Learning and Instruction, 86.
Ghanamah, R., & Adi-Japha, E. (2023). The Effects of Practice Schedules on the Acquisition and Retention of a Grapho-Motor Skill in Young-Adults. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION. 1-18.