Learning and Instruction Sciences
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Investigate and understand the factors that influence learning processes in brain functioning in diverse learning environments

Students studying in the track without a thesis can graduate with a master's degree in Learning and teaching sciences *in 1 year*!
Master's degree in Learning and Teaching Sciences
Head of program: Dr. Tova Michalsky
The Learning and Teaching Sciences program at Bar-Ilan University is based on an integrative approach to the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of learning, teaching, and curriculum; learning in innovative studying environments, professional learning, study planning and teaching of knowledge. The studies provide an academic and practical basis for working in formal and informal educational frameworks. The aim is to train graduates who will advance their expertise in the areas of learning, teaching and educational activity in these fields in Israel.
For whom is the program designed?
- Experienced educators who want to advance and specialize in different positions:
- Teachers and educators who wish to specialize in learning and teaching
- Pedagogical instructors - on behalf of the Ministry of Education
- "Pisga" advisors - on behalf of the Ministry of Education
- Educational supervisors - on behalf of the Ministry of Education
- Developers of curriculum programs – on behalf of the Ministry of Education
- Education assessment coordinators working in schools
- Coordinators of continuing education programs
- Subject coordinators in "Tapuach V'Eshkolot Payis B'Lumdai Mada'im" programs
- Curriculum coordinators in local authority
What makes our study program unique?
A. The layout of study
1. The program allows those interested to be physically present in the university for one concentrated day during one academic year
2. The program makes it possible to combine work with studies and is also suitable for teachers on sabbatical
3. There are two tracks in the master's degree program: track with thesis and track without thesis
4. Our students are leading professionals in the field of learning, teaching and curricula
B. Human capital
The lecturers in the program are among the leading professionals in the field of learning, teaching and curricula
Our program also trains in the development and evaluation of school and system curricula as well as the advancement of teacher training courses.
Studies include research methods and practice pertaining to all school subjects and unique study programs.
Framework of studies
Students who choose the track without a thesis can complete their studies in one year, in which they are required to attend one full-Monday day on campus and the rest online.
In addition, students are required to fulfill the basic requirements in Judaism and English as specified (Click here to see requirements, HEBREW)
Tracks of studies
Track A: Master's degree with thesis
Track A is intended for students interested in obtaining a master's degree (M.A.), including written research work (thesis) as part of the curriculum. Studies include theoretical knowledge and professional skills alongside academic and research development. The studies in the program are designed to enable combining a job with the continuing general academic studies in addition to studies for receiving a doctorate in particular.
The theoretical studies in this track are 16 hours per year, spread over one day a week. After the completion of the theoretical studies, students are given an additional (third) year to submit their thesis.
Curriculum for 2021-2022 academic school year for the 1 year + semester program
Curriculum for 2021-2022 academic school year for the 1 year program
Track B: Master's degree without thesis
Track B is intended for students who wish to obtain a master's degree (M.A.) without writing a thesis. Studies include theoretical knowledge and professional skills, and participation in research courses. Students studying in this track are required to pass a final examination on material to be determined by the M.A. Committee of the School of Education.
The theoretical studies in this track are 20 hours per year, spread over a one day per week.
Admissions Requirements
Preference will be given to applicants who are bachelors' degree graduates in education or other fields with experience in education with an average grade of 82 and above.
Applicants must be educators and/or teachers and/or supervisors involved in education. Outstanding requests will be discussed in special cases.
Registration Process
1. Applicants must register through the online registration form.
2. After registering, the following documents must be sent:
- Bachelor's degree graduation diploma - official and original (should include the stamp of the accredited university or establishment, signature, and establishment logo)
- Teaching certification certificate – official and original (should include the stamp of the accredited university or establishment, signature, and establishment logo)
The above-mentioned documents can be sent in two formats:
Mail: M.A. Admissions Committee, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290002
Physically handed over: Mador Shema (building 605), Sun-Thurs from 8:00-18:00
- Two recommendations must be sent – a letter of recommendation from an employer and an academic recommendation (students who completed their degree requirements beyond the two year period can instead submit two letters of recommendation letters from an employer).
- Academic recommendation form (Hebrew) - Recommendations from a lecturer in an academic course (preferably a seminar course)
- Letter of recommendation from an employer (Hebrew) - Recommendation from a professional who knows the candidate from field experience.
- Two letters of recommendation from an employer can be sent instead of one of each recommendation (and vice versa)
- Applicants must fill out an applicant profile https://education.biu.ac.il/files/education/shared/shlvn_mdy_hlmydh_vhhvrh.doc.docx
- An updated CV (curriculum vida) must be sent
The abovementioned documents can be sent in the one of the following formats:
Email: toar2edu@biu.ac.il
Fax: (03-738-4123)
Mail: School of Education, M.A. degree department, Learning and teaching sciences' Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290000
New! Earn an academic degree and teacher certification- Click for details
For more information, please refer to the program secretary:
Mail: hen.golan@biu.ac.il
Tel: 0773063703
Calling hours are Sunday-Thursday, 10:30-11:30 and 13:30-14:30
Reception hours are Sundays and Wednesdays: 11:30-14:00, Mondays and Thursdays: 8:30-10:30
Last Updated Date : 28/11/2022