A cross-national examination of fear in disadvantaged schools: U.S. and Israeli-Arab student experiences

Addington, L.A.

School violence disproportionately occurs in disadvantaged schools. Most research focuses on understanding the causes and correlates of this violence based on schools in a single country. We extend this work by taking a cross-national approach to examine an important repercussion of this violence-students' fear. Our study compares students attending disadvantaged schools in the United States and Israel. To explore this issue, we utilize existing federal data in the United States and an original data collection in Israel. Our study highlights the relationship between bullying and fear in both countries. We also discuss issues arising in cross-national research involving students.

Addington, L.A., & Yablon, Y.B. (2011)

A cross-national examination of fear in disadvantaged schools: U.S. and Israeli-Arab student experiences. Victims and Offenders 6(4 ), 325-340.   DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2011.607390

Last Updated Date : 03/12/2018