The Seductive Waltz With the Self in Self- Regulated Learning: Toward Communal Regulation of Learning

Schechter, C.

This article proposes a complementary framework for scholarship on metacognition as well as
on self-regulated learning. It is argued that educators’ and researchers’ seductive waltz with
the “self” in self-regulated learning (e.g., self-monitoring, self-control) need not be abandoned
when conceptualizing and empirically investigating teaching and learning. Rather, self-regulation
should be complemented by a more holistic, integrated, and collaborative framework—
that of communal-regulated learning—to develop effective learners in today’s fast-changing
educational scene. This article presents the epistemological premises postulated as upholding
the communal nature of learning regulation, while raising conceptual as well as practical
questions for its adoption.

Last Updated Date : 20/11/2018