Integrating Technology in Preschool Science and Inquiry

Spektor-Levy, O.

Technology has brought about considerable changes in our private, social and professional lives, as well as in our culture and values. Therefore, educational frameworks should make an effort to become more relevant for young students and prepare them for the future in all aspects of career and life, with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). This chapter will discuss the opportunities and challenges of integrating technology into preschool classrooms (3-6 years of age). It attempts to determine the essence of judicious, proportionate, and beneficial integration of technology in preschool, with a particular focus on science and inquiry. Consideration is given to maintaining the children's creativity, their joy of play, their concrete and sensory exploration, their unmediated observation of their environment, their social interactions, and their safety. Examples of actual practices from preschool classrooms are presented followed by recommendations for successful technology integration in preschool curriculum.

Spektor-Levy, O., Plutov, I., Israeli, N., & Perry, N. (2018)

Integrating Technology in Preschool Science and Inquiry.  In Information and Technology Literacy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp.1470-1493). Hershey, Pennsylvania :  IGI Global 

Last Updated Date : 02/08/2018