Promoting Mathematics Teachers’ Pedagogical Metacognition

Kohen, Z.

Researchers agree that “metacognition” conceptualizes the kind of learning that fits our fast-changing, meta-modern world: an autonomous, lifelong learning which is adjustable to new learning tasks. Metacognitive active persons develop such learning because they are aware of their knowledge and, simultaneously, they can control and regulate further learning by activating strategies and evaluating its efficiency (Flavell. Am Psychol 34(10):906–911, 1979; Schraw. Contemp Educ Psychol 19:460–475, 1998). Over the years, metacognition has been linked to improved student outcomes (e.g., Veenman et al. Metacognition Learn 1(1):3–14, 2006). In the field of mathematics, research findings indicate that failure or success in mathematics, such as problem-solving, can be due to the use of metacognition (Kramarski, Mevarech. Am Educ Res J 40:281–310, 2003; Schoenfeld. Learning to think mathematically: problem solving, metacognition, and sense making in mathematics. In DA Grouws (ed) Handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning. MacMillan, New York, pp 165–197, 1992; 2011). The role of metacognition in mathematics sets new goals for teachers, since teachers’ ability to cultivate learners with metacognition during learning is tied to teachers’ own metacognition. If teachers are incapable of activating metacognitive skills, it will be difficult for them to instill these skills in their students. Research indicates that metacognition is not attained spontaneously; it demands…


Kohen, Z., & Kramarski, B. (2018)

Promoting Mathematics Teachers’ Pedagogical Metacognition: A Theoretical-Practical Model and Case Study. In Y.J. Dori, Z.R. Mevarech, D.R. Baker (Eds.). Cognition, Metacognition, and Culture in STEM Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment (pp. 279-305). Cham : Springer

Last Updated Date : 15/01/2018