Employing needs-based funding formulae - some unavoidable tradeoffs

Gilead, T.


The method by which the state allocates resources to its schooling system can serve as an important instrument for achieving desired improvements in levels of educational attainment, social equity and other social policy goals. In many school systems, the allocation of school resources is done according to a needs-based funding formula. The purpose of this article is to provide a deeper understanding of some significant tradeoffs involved in employing needs-based funding formulae.


The article is based on a theoretical investigations of normative aspects involved in using needs-based funding formulae.


There are a number of underexplored complications and difficulties that arise from the use of needs-based funding formulae. Dealing with these involves significant tradeoffs that require taking normative decisions. Understanding these tradeoffs is important for improving the use of needs-based funding formulae.


The article highlight three under-examined issues that emerge from the current use of needs-based funding formulae. These issue are: 1) to what extent funding formulae should be responsive to social and economic needs? 2) to what extent should funding formulae allow for the use of discretion in resource allocation? 3) to what degree needs-based formulae funding should be linked to outcomes? By discussing these issues and the tradeoffs involved in them, the article provides a deeper understanding of significant aspects stemming from the use of needs-based funding formulae. This, in turn, can serve as a basis for an improved and better informed process for decision making regarding the use of funding formulae.

Gilead, T., & BenDavid-Hadar, I. (2017)

Employing needs-based funding formulae - some unavoidable tradeoffsInternational Journal of Educational Management, 31(7), 1092-1102, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEM-01-2017-0008 

Last Updated Date : 05/08/2019