Eye Movement Patterns Characteristic of Cognitive Style

Nitzan-Tamar, O.

Various tools have been designed to classify the wholistic/analytic cognitive style, based mostly on behavioral data that reveals little about how these processes function. The main goal of this study is to characterize patterns of eye movements (EM) that are typical of learners with tendencies toward wholistic/analytic styles. Forty students completed the E-CSA-W/A test, while their EM were simultaneously monitored. The results revealed that the overall response time of the wholist group was lower in both tasks. The differences in response time between the groups are interpreted as being influenced by impulsive/reflective styles. While the behavioral data provide us with the end result
and quantitative differences between the groups, EM provide us with the qualitative information about the process that led to the response. The study showed that the wholist group is characterized by less fixations and transitions than the analytic group, which is interpreted as reflecting use of whole/partial strategy

Nitzan-Tamar, O., Kramarski,B. & Vakil, E. (2016)

Eye Movement Patterns Characteristic of Cognitive Style. Experimental Psychology, 63(3), 159–168

Last Updated Date : 04/07/2018