Promoting teachers' algebraic reasoning and self-regulation with metacognitive guidance

Kramarski, B.
This study investigates algebraic reasoning and self-regulation skills among
elementary school teachers who participated in a professional development program either
with IMPROVE metacognitive questioning (PD+Meta) or with no metacognitive guidance
(PD). Sixty-four Israeli teachers participated in a 3-year program designed to enhance
mathematical knowledge. Results indicated that the PD+Meta teachers outperformed the
PD teachers on various algebraic procedural and real-life tasks regarding conceptual
mathematical explanations. In addition, the PD+Meta group outperformed the PD group in
using self-monitoring and evaluation strategies in algebraic problem solving. We discuss
educational and practical implications

Kramarski, B. (2008).

Promoting teachers' algebraic reasoning and self-regulation with metacognitive guidance. Metacognition and Learning, 3 (2), 83-99. 

Last Updated Date : 23/02/2011