Behavior of Israeli Mothers Toward Infants in Relation to Infants Perceived Temperament

Klein, P.S.

The present study focused on the relations between mothers' perception of infants' temperament at 6 months and their behavior toward their infants at 6 and 12 months of age. Subjects were 40 firstborn Israeli infants, 21 boys and 19 girls. Carey's Infant Temperament Questionnaire (ITQ) was used for the evaluation of infants' perceived temperament, and Yarrow's time sampling technique was used for home observations of mothers' behavior. Infants rated as more adaptable, approaching, intense in response, and positive in mood received more sensory and social stimulation at the 6- and the 12-month observations. Whereas no main effects for sex were found in the analysis of the observed maternal behavior, mothers' perceptions of their infants' temperament were differently related to their behavior toward boys as compared with girls, that is, intensity ratings were related to auditory stimulation and contingent positive vocalization for girls, and to increased physical contact for boys.

Last Updated Date : 02/08/2017