Lexical Semantic Knowledge of Children with ASD—a Review Study
Studies on the lexical semantic abilities of children with autism have yielded contradicting results. The aim of the current review was to explore studies that have specifcally focused on the lexical semantic abilities of children with ASD and try to fnd an explanation for these contradictions. In the 32 studies reviewed, no single factor was found to afect lexical semantic skills, although children with broader linguistic impairment generally, but not universally, also showed impaired lexical semantic skills. The need for future studies with young ASD participants, with difering intellectual functioning, longitudinal studies, and studies assessing a wide range of language domains are discussed.
Sukenik, N., & Tuller, L. (2023). Lexical Semantic Knowledge of Children with ASD—a Review Study. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10(1), 130-143. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40489-021-00272-9
Last Updated Date : 09/03/2025