The role of vividness of imagery in metaphor generation

Stephan, E.

Pointing to novel links between mental representation and social communication, we examine the association between vividness of imagery and use of metaphors. In a study on individual differences and three experiments, we demonstrate that vivid imagery is linked to greater use of metaphors and that this relationship is bi-directional. We also show that this relationship is stronger in the context of negative valence. We demonstrate that vivid imagery results in greater generation of metaphors (in particular, for negative concepts). In examining the reverse direction of influence, we show that in the negative (rather than positive) context, use of metaphors results in greater perceptions of vividness. We suggest that vividness can be signified and produced by using metaphors that play an important role in meaning making and communication

Stephan, E.‪, Shidlovski, D.‪, Shanetzki, M.‪, Agajany, K.‪, & Mashal, N.‪ (2023)‪.‪ The role of vividness of imagery in metaphor generation.‪ European Journal of Social Psychology53(1)‪, 212–229.‪ https://doi.‪org/10.‪1002/ejsp.‪2898


Last Updated Date : 22/02/2023