“National context, school factors, and individual teacher characteristics: Which matters most for teacher collaboration?‪”

Liu, Y.

Merging the variables from the 2018 TALIS, the 2018 PISA, and the 2004 GLOBE study, the present research investigates the associations between contextual variables and teacher collaboration across national boundaries, which is essential to understand teacher collaboration in a broader context. Employing multi-level linear models, this study specified the variance in teacher collaboration related to teacher characteristics, school factors, and country policy and cultural variations, respectively. The results revealed that the teacher-level factors are associated with a significant proportion of variance in the outcome. Meanwhile, school culture,

Liu, Y.‪, & Benoliel, P.‪ (2022)‪.‪ “National context, school factors, and individual teacher characteristics: Which matters most for teacher collaboration?‪” Teaching and Teacher Education120.‪ https://doi.‪org/10.‪1016/j.‪tate.‪2022.‪103885

Last Updated Date : 10/01/2023