MISC Training Program (MISC-TP)

Shohet, C.

The current chapter addresses the training process of parents and educators aiming to become effective mediators for the children in their care. Establishing a quality interaction with a child requires a mindful adult who is conscious and sensitive to his or her own beliefs and behavioral characteristics. At the same time, it is sensitive and responsive to the child’s cues and needs. Reaching and implementing this requirement entails a long and complex process assisted by a qualified MISC trainer, who has the knowledge and experience in implementing the MISC concepts and behaviors (see Chapter 1) in their own everyday interactions training parents or educators to do so. This chapter describes the MISC training program (MISC-TP) and its modes of implementation. Just like in adult-child interaction, the training process is focused on the relationship between the trainer and the trainee, as expressed in their interactions. Thus, the training process refers to two parallel levels of relationships: adult-child interactions and trainer-trainee interactions. In both levels of relationships, based on the MISC interventional model, quality interactions have the same “building blocks” (see Chapter 1) that will result in an internalized mental change in the child, as well as in the adult (the parent, the educator, or the MISC trainer herself).

Shohet, C. & Givon, D. (2021)

MISC Training Program (MISC-TP). In C. Sharp and L. Marais (Eds.) Growing Up Resilient  (pp.29-45). Routledge


Last Updated Date : 06/12/2021