Metacognition and Meta-Emotion in Kindergarten

Kramarski, B.

This study among kindergarten children (n = 90) investigated the necessity of combined self regulated learning (SRL) programs relating to metacognition and meta-emotional support (MES) embedded in the “Interactive Storytelling” problem-solving environment, for enhancing SRL and mathematical problem solving at different levels of complexity. The MES program was compared to a single metacognitive support (MS) and a control group without SRL .Findings showed that the combined MES group approach induced the greatest change in the amount of metacognitive and emotional verbal regulation while thinking aloud mathematical problems, as well as success in routine and complex mathematical problems, both immediately and in lasting effect (two months after), whereas the control group didn't show any increased use of SRL and problem solving. Implications are discussed.

Kramarski, B., Tzohar–Rozen, M. & Gadasi, Z. (2021)

Metacognition and Meta-Emotion in Kindergarten: Is the Combination Necessary for Self-Regulation in Mathematical Problem Solving? In: Moraitou D., Metallidou P. (Eds.) Trends and Prospects in Metacognition Research across the Life Span. Springer, Cham.

Last Updated Date : 23/11/2021