The Varieties of Religious Significance: An Idiographic Approach to Study Religion's Role in Adolescent Development

Schachter, E.P.

We present a rationale and method for taking an idiographic approach to study the role religion plays in adolescent development. We theorize that adolescents harness qualitatively different aspects of religion to address idiosyncratic developmental needs. Therefore, analyzing religion's role in adolescent development necessitates a case‐by‐case holistic analysis. We introduce a systematic method using narratives to identify the personal ways that individuals attribute meaning in general and regarding religion in particular. We present three detailed case studies from a sample of 20 religious Israeli Jewish Orthodox emerging‐adult women who provided retrospective narrative accounts of their general and religious development through adolescence. Systematic analysis reveals that religion was significant to these women in diverse and personal ways, addressing markedly different adolescent developmental needs.

Schachter, E.P. & Ben Hur, A. (2019)

The Varieties of Religious Significance: An Idiographic Approach to Study Religion's Role in Adolescent Development. Journal of Research on Adolescence 29(2), 291-307. DOI: 10.1111/jora.12479


Last Updated Date : 26/05/2020