Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2010 Relations between temperament and strategies for regulation of emotion among kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Atzmon, Merav Prof. Pnina Klein
2010 The relationship between teachers’ perceptions of school team culture and school effectiveness: a comparative study (HEBREW) MA Aziel, Viki Prof. Haim Gaziel
Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2010 The relationship between teachers’ perceptions of school team culture and school effectiveness: a comparative study (HEBREW) MA Aziel, Viki Prof. Haim Gaziel
Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2010 Jealousy and executive functions in children with autism (HEBREW) MA Barak-Ben-Moshe, Inbal Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2010 Influence of cognitive intervention program ILA (I can prevent violence) and the influence of life skills program for violence prevention on the level of violence in the classroom...(HEBREW) MA Baram-Levy, Ilanah Dr. Avigail Yinon
2010 Language and drawing : differences in graphic abilities of monolinguals and bilinguals MA Berberich Jennie Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2010 Perception of disability and self concept among adolescents with hearing impairments in relation to the comparative model (Festinger, 1954) in relation to educational setting and type of impairment (HEBREW) MA Berliner, Mattat Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2010 The connection between the students perception of the teacher’s characteristics, the method of education in the religious sector, and Jewish and Israeli identity and the integration of these principles within the "Shuvu" school system (HEBREW) MA Bolotin, Miriam Dr. Avigail Yinon
2010 The life journey of Haredi women: a phenomenological study (HEBREW) MA Brandman, Naama Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2010 Teacher training for moral education in state colleges in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Buzaglo, Aharon Prof. Yaakov Iram
2010 A measuring tool for innovative thinking’s potential among students of sciences and IT in higher education (HEBREW) PhD Cohen, Lizi Prof. David Passig
2010 A comparative study of children’s analogical problem solving and talking aloud: a comparison of children with typical development and children with learning disability (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Sharon Prof. Rachel Schiff
2010 Attachment and collaborative problem solving in high-functioning preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders and children with typical development (HEBREW) MA Darel-Edelman, Elinor Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2010 Examination of the process of interpretation of written curriculum by the teacher and its translation to educational practice (HEBREW) MA Dor, Sarit Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2010 Homeschooling in Israel: academic achievement and social competence of homeschooling children in comparison to school children (HEBREW) MA Edri, Avishag Prof. Pnina Klein
2010 Making a film as a means of therapy in educational settings for adolescents (HEBREW) MA Eksztajn, Rinat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2010 Typology of youth in distress in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Etzion, Dafna Prof. Shlomo Romi
2010 Motivation to become a combatant in the IDF among students in Israel by type of school and youth movement (HEBREW) MA Even-Tsur, Eran Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2010 The relationship between the locus of control, significance of the teacher and educational achievements: comparison between pupils from Israeli families of Ethiopian origin and pupils from Israeli families of non-Ethiopian origin (HEBREW) MA Finger, Rvital Dr. David Zuckerman
2010 The effect of a change in evaluation methods on cooperation and competition of students in higher education (HEBREW) MA Foox, Inbal Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2010 The role of music education in state schools on people’s musical identity (HEBREW) MA Frankel, Michal Associate Prof. Elie Holzer
2010 Solicited versus unsolicited meta-cognitive prompts during problem solving and reasoning in computer based mathematics (HEBREW) MA Friedemann, Sheli Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2010 Learning from success as a leverage for professional learning community:exploring the process of sustaining an educational reform MA Ganon-Shilon Sherry Prof. Chen Schechter
2010 Divorce, change in religious identity and their relation to education in the state religious education (SRE) system (HEBREW) MA Gertner-Misgav, Brakah Prof. Zehavit Gross
2010 Philosophical study of the idea of educational authority in light of the crisis of authority in the postmodern condition (HEBREW) PhD Gusacov, Eran Prof. Oded Schremer