Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2003 The personal and social adjustment of foreign workers’ children, new immigrants’ children and veteran residents’ children in primary schools in Tel-Aviv (HEBREW) MA Cohana-Orkabi, Anat Dr. David Taub
2003 The feminine identity of the Sephardi girl who is being educated in the educational system of Shas (HEBREW) MA Cohen-Shimony, Yamit Prof. Zehavit Gross
2003 Developing a computerized learning unit to teach the "Melioration" skill as a higher order thinking skill among 6th & 7th grade students (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Lizi Prof. David Passig
2003 Trends in development of the regional colleges and their impact on the higher education system in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Davidovich, Nitza Prof. Yaakov Iram
Dr. Ozer Shield
2003 Trends in development of the regional colleges and their impact on the higher education system in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Davidovich, Nitza Prof. Yaakov Iram
Dr. Ozer Shield
2003 The effect of "Three-Dimensionality" as a representation mode on sequential time perception, on hearing-impaired and hearing children (HEBREW) PhD Eden, Sigal Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. David Passig
2003 The effect of "Three-Dimensionality" as a representation mode on sequential time perception, on hearing-impaired and hearing children (HEBREW) PhD Eden, Sigal Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. David Passig
2003 Gender differences in the social representation of aggressive behavior and response to frustration (HEBREW) MA Elkayam, Rama Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2003 The relation between professional self concept and burnout of tutors and their attitudes toward CMC (HEBREW) MA Erlich-Philip, Iris Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2003 The connection between age and interaction processes during learning via internet (HEBREW) MA Eshet, Anat Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2003 Prediction of emergent literacy by analogical thinking modifiability among kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Flor-Maduel, Hila Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2003 The correlation between frontal and online courses and thinking styles of undergraduate students to their motivation (HEBREW) MA Goddard, Revital Prof. David Passig
2003 The influence of a child’s birth with developmental disabilities upon the mother’s career (HEBREW) MA Hadad-Katriel, Merav Prof. Shlomo Romi
2003 Self-image and belief in the ability to effect change among adolescents in boarding-school (HEBREW) MA Hirsch, Rivka Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 The perceived commitment to home and career, the conflict between them, and work values among female adolescents and young female adults, as a function of age and religious sector (HEBREW) MA Hirshfeld, Shlomit Dr. David Zuckerman
2003 Self identity as a facet of differentiation of self and its relation to a marital satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Hupert, Sarit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2003 The correlation between the personality trait tolerance for ambiguity, and would be teachers’ willingness to incorporate computers in their future teaching (HEBREW) MA Ivry, Sigalit Prof. David Passig
2003 The relation between similarity in the level of differentiation, triangulation in parent - child relationships and marital satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Korat, Anat Dr. Zeev Apel
2003 The relationship between school background variables and organizational efficiency indexes: "organizational learning" and "school effectiveness" and their mutual linkage (HEBREW) MA Levy, Emi Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2003 The effects of intervention program on the empathy, aggression and social communication of elementary school pupils (HEBREW) MA Mednik-Ratner, Anna Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2003 Community - based learning: effects on classroom climate and the quality of students’ written skills in Junior High School (HEBREW) MA Meishar, Michal Dr. Hannah Shachar
2003 Education, army service and feminine identity: socialization processes in schools and during army service and the feminine identity of girls (HEBREW) MA Meyer, Dorit Prof. Zehavit Gross
2003 The effects of metacognitive guidance within asynchronous learning networks on inquiry learning processes (HEBREW) PhD Michalsky, Tova Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Prof. Michal Zion
2003 The effects of metacognitive guidance within asynchronous learning networks on inquiry learning processes (HEBREW) PhD Michalsky, Tova Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Prof. Michal Zion
2003 The self efficacy and attitudes of preserving teachers in formal and non-formal education academic training program, towards mainstreaming of children with special needs in regular frame or/and classroom (HEBREW) MA Musler, Ronit Prof. Shlomo Romi