Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2023 Self-regulated learning during mathematical problem solving among mathematically gifted and talented students MA Hammod, Hala Dr. Nurit Paz-Baruch
2023 Coherence of professional development in the Israeli education system MA Hirsch, Arnon Prof. Chen Schechter
2023 Towards developing a social-ecological model among mid-level school leaders : role-play simulations in an ethical context PhD Iftach, Geva Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2023  Not only the child ASD severity : the effect of birth order and regulatory flexibility on the tendency to develop PTSD symptoms among parents MA Itzhaki Feuer, Eliana Maayan Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi
2023 Contribution of socio-economic status, home literacy and maternal mediation to acquisition of child's vocabulary learning : a pioneering study among toddlers from low SES (HEBREW) MA Kalazan, Bracha Prof. Ofra Korat
2023 Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) on oscillatory brain activity while performing a working memory task in young adults with ADHD (Hebrew) MA Keha, Chen Prof. Nira Mashal
Dr. Oded Meiron
2023 Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) on oscillatory brain activity while performing a working memory task in young adults with ADHD (Hebrew) MA Keha, Chen Prof. Nira Mashal
Dr. Oded Meiron
2023 The influence of an intervention program on argumentative skills in the context of respectful discourse rules and empathy among children with and without attention deficit disorder PhD Koffman Talmy, Ayelet Prof. Nira Mashal
2023 Teaching methods in music appreciation in Israeli secondary schools (HEBREW) PhD Legon Rozenbaum, Sharon Patricia Dr. Atara Isaacson
2023 Adaptation of an observational tool (ECCS) to evaluate empathic communication during simulation experiences in education MA Levanon, Yaal Dr. Shira Iluz
Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2023 Adaptation of an observational tool (ECCS) to evaluate empathic communication during simulation experiences in education MA Levanon, Yaal Dr. Shira Iluz
Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2023 Cave, the bubble and heaven: Hesder Rabbis' perception of their role as identity agents : a generative role and its emergence in a changing reality (Hebrew) MA Levy, Yedidya Dr. Elli Schachter
2023 Duration of literacy traditional and digital activity before and during the Corona crisis and parents' assessment of the child's emergent literacy : a comparison between the Arab society and the Jewish society (HEBREW) MA Mahameed, Walaa Prof. Ofra Korat
2023 Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on verbal working memory in adults with ADHD (Hebrew) MA Massarueh, Eman Dr. Oded Meiron
Prof. Nira Mashal
2023 Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on verbal working memory in adults with ADHD (Hebrew) MA Massarueh, Eman Dr. Oded Meiron
Prof. Nira Mashal
2023 Effect of background music on solving algebric equations among adolescents with math difficulties (HEBREW) MA Milman, Alex Dr. Nurit Paz-Baruch
2023 Effect of teacher teams training and development through simulations on self efficacy and intellectual humility dealing with critical ethical dilemmas (Hebrew) PhD Mizrahi, Dana Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2023 Differences in coping resources: quality of life, psychological capital, and motivation to use technology, and distress factors: stress and loneliness, among adults with intellectual disability in relation to using Zoom apl. during Covid-19 (HEBREW) MA Na'imy, Tal Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2023 Childbearing motivation and its implications on parental adjustment, parenting styles, and child adjustment : a five-year longitudinal study PhD Nachoum, Reut Associate Prof. Nir Madjar
2023 Principals’ systems thinking and school effectiveness : the mediating role of SMT learning and collective teacher efficacy and the moderating role of (dis)similarity and school structure PhD Nadav, Nechama Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
Prof. Chen Schechter
2023 Principals’ systems thinking and school effectiveness : the mediating role of SMT learning and collective teacher efficacy and the moderating role of (dis)similarity and school structure PhD Nadav, Nechama Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
Prof. Chen Schechter
2023 Effect of technology-based cooperative learning of fraction comparison on students' achievements while comparing girls and boys (Hebrew) MA Nashif, Okila Dr. Iris Schreiber
Dr. Nurit Paz-Baruch
2023 Effect of technology-based cooperative learning of fraction comparison on students' achievements while comparing girls and boys (Hebrew) MA Nashif, Okila Dr. Iris Schreiber
Dr. Nurit Paz-Baruch
2023 The relationship between participative decision-making and paternalistic leadership and school effectiveness : examining the mediating role of teachers' attitudes and behaviors and the moderating role of cultural attributes PhD Nassir, Misaa Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
2023 Implementation of TPACK model among language teachers compared to mathematics teachers (HEBREW) MA Nimni-Georgi, Ilanit Dr. Yitzhak Weiss