Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2016 Social conversation intervention for minimally verbal children with autism: the role of executive function (HEBREW) MA Estrugo, Yael Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2016 Lexical-semantic richness, utterance length, and linguistic abnormalities among children with high-functioning autism and children with typical development during free interaction with a friend versus acquaintance (HEBREW) MA Guetta, Saray Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Dr. Gila Tubul-Lavy
2016 The role of executive functions and adaptive behavior in social interaction of minimally verbal children with ASD (HEBREW) MA Hisherik, Lior Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2016 Comprehension and story retelling abilities among children with ASD compared to children with typical development (HEBREW) MA Kadosh, Liat Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2016 Collaboration between educational and therapeutic teams in kindergartens for children with ASD-A: case study (HEBREW) MA Lebel, Gali Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2015 Speech acts during spontaneous peer conversation in young high functioning children with autism spectrum disorders and typical development: friend versus non-friend comparison (HEBREW) MA Golan-Itshaky, Adi Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2015 Metacognition, metacognitive judgments and executive functions (associated with memory) : a comparison between high function ASD and typical developing children (HEBREW) MA Parness-Milchan, Lihi Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2015 Mother-child interactions during oral storytelling (HEBREW) MA Steier-Levy, Sharon Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Prof. Erik H. Cohen
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2013 Social information processing and theory of the mind in children with HFASD, learning disabilities and typical development (HEBREW) MA Brill, Alit Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2013 Attachment security in high-functioning children with autism and children with typical development in relation to adaptive abilities (HEBREW) MA Harel-Banin, Smadar Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2013 Pragmatic characteristics of young children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD) during spontaneous conversations with peers (HEBREW) MA Karin, Einat Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2013 Psychiatric disorders in girls with high functioning autism compared to their typically developing peers (HEBREW) MA Lishansky-Shalev, Roni Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2013 Contribution of children's understanding of mind to the quality of friendships in high-functioning young children with autism in comparison with typically developing young children (HEBREW) MA Semel, Sharon Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2013 Jealousy and social engagement in young children with autism (HEBREW) MA Stuemler-Cohen, Tamara Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2012 Social information processing and executive functions among children with typical development, children with learning disabilities and children with high functioning autism disorders (HEBREW) MA Goldman-Alon, Mor Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2012 Jealousy, theory of mind and social ability in high functioning children with autism versus low functioning children with autism (HEBREW) MA Orr-Meivar, Inbal Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2012 Modifiability in emotional understanding among children with learning disabilities (HEBREW) PhD Schorr-Edelsztein, Hani Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2012 Jealousy and attachment in children with autism spectrum disorder (HEBREW) MA Sorozon, Nirit Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2011 Relationship between "special abilities" and autism syptoms and child and familial characteristics (HEBREW) MA Binet, Aviva Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Dr. Ester Ben-Itzchak
2011 Principles of a working life intervention program for high functioning adolescents with ASD from middle school age (HEBREW) MA Kedem-Cuomo, Dina Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2010 Friendship in high functioning young children with autism spectrum disorder in relation to attachment and theory of mind (HEBREW) PhD Agam-Ben-Artzi, Galit Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2010 Jealousy and executive functions in children with autism (HEBREW) MA Barak-Ben-Moshe, Inbal Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2010 Attachment and collaborative problem solving in high-functioning preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders and children with typical development (HEBREW) MA Darel-Edelman, Elinor Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2010 Collaborative problem solving in young children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders (HEBREW) PhD Kimhi, Yael Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2010 Chains of dyadic interactions and attachment in pre-adolescents with high-functioning autism in comparison with pre-adolescents with typical development (HEBREW) MA Molcho-Haimovich, Alona Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely