Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2023 Relationship between the effectiveness of retrieval practice during learning, test anxiety and working-memory capacity among high school students (HEBREW) MA Hale, Ortal Dr. Vered Halamish
2023 The effect of curiosity on intentional learning of foreign vocabulary MA Rose-Livni, Avia Dr. Vered Halamish
2022 Learning by testing among children : overt retrieval vs. covert retrieval (HEBREW) MA Samara Nasser, Maysam Dr. Vered Halamish
2021 The effect of the study method (retrieval practice versus restudying) and medium (paper versus screen) on vocabulary learning MA Elias, Dorit Dr. Vered Halamish
2019 Influence of pure elaborated feedback on learning from tests (HEBREW) MA Bornstein, Arik Dr. Vered Halamish
2019 Pretesting effect among second and fifth grade children (HEBREW) MA Oren, Shani-Michal Dr. Vered Halamish
2018 The effect of font size on reading time, reading comprehension and meta-comprehension in younger and older children (HEBREW) MA Balaish, Yamit Dr. Vered Halamish
2018 Reading comprehension and meta comprehension in reading from screen verses from paper among second and fifth grade children (HEBREW) MA Elbaz, Elisya Dr. Vered Halamish
2018 Increasing the effectiveness of learning by testing : the relationship between practice test difficulty and criterion test difficulty (HEBREW) MA Weiss, Itay Dr. Vered Halamish
2017 The combined influence of reward and curiosity on memory (HEBREW) MA Madmon, Inbal Dr. Vered Halamish