Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1979 The educational system in Thailand as an example of an educational system in developing democracy (HEBREW) MA Mandelblit Ada Dr. Joseph Walk
1976 Jewish education in Hungary 1945-1949 (HEBREW) MA Riesel Miriam Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 The Arab kindergarten in Israel (HEBREW) MA Cohen Miriam Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 The pedagogics of Joseph Zvi Carlebach (HY"D) - principles and practice (HEBREW) MA Gilis Miriam Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 La reeducation des enfant et des adolescents Juifs, victimes de la guerre, dans des homes d'enfants de Belgique (HEBREW) MA Riesel Aria Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 Modes of Jewish self-awareness and self identity in Israeli's children literature between the years 1960-1970 (HEBREW) MA Stern Dina Dr. Joseph Walk
1973 The history of the Hebrew gymnasium in Munkacz (HEBREW) MA Udi, Sarah Dr. Joseph Walk
1971 The Yeshiva education in Israel: a comparison of the education in the "Musar" movement and the education in the Yeshiva of Chabad (HEBREW) MA Kopelowitz, Ester Dr. Joseph Walk