Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2023 Examining the relation between professional identity, involvement in work, support, professional guidance and burnout among principals in the non-formal education systems vs. principals in the formal education systems (HEBREW) MA Book, Elyasaf Prof. Zehavit Gross
2023 Social engagement in the eyes of teachers in charge of social engagement in Israeli secondary schools : creating a typology of perceptions (HEBREW) MA Greenbaum-Guttman, Sima Prof. Zehavit Gross
2023 Contribution of participation in informal education in childhood and youth in Arab society in Israel to fostering a sence of self-efficacy, belonging, and community engagement in adulthood (HEBREW) MA Serhan, Hanan Prof. Zehavit Gross
2023 Comparison between the value system of adolescents from different religious levels in the Jewish sector in Israel (HEBREW) MA Zurinam, Ofira Prof. Zehavit Gross
Dr. Miri Goldratt
2022 Holocaust education and memory bequeathing in state schools in Israel (HEBREW) MA Asor-Langer, Gali Prof. Zehavit Gross
2022 Intergenerational transmission of the Holocaust story and its relation to the sense of coherence among the second generation of Holocaust survivors (HEBREW) MA Bazar-Magder, Rivka Prof. Zehavit Gross
2022 Creating songs as a part of the process of building a sense of coherence among adolescents at risk (HEBREW) MA Gilad, Tzipi Prof. Zehavit Gross
2022 Teaching the subject of the Holocaust to Ultra-Orthodox high school students from the Mizrahi Jewish community (HEBREW) MA Ovaidy, Simchy Prof. Zehavit Gross
2021 Family-work integration among secular women with a demanding career on the one hand and a large family on the other (HEBREW) MA Ben David, Eretz Prof. Zehavit Gross
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2021 "Dancing pain, laughing uncertainty" : religiousness and spirituality in the narratives of students who dropped out of Ulpana and Yeshiva high school (HEBREW) PhD Goldshmid, Aya Prof. Zehavit Gross
2020 Influence of different types of antenatal education on fear, self-efficacy, spirituality, the birth experience and mother-fetus/newborn relationship (HEBREW) PhD Ben-David, Noa Rachel Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. Zehavit Gross
2019 The contribution of mentoring through empathy and caring for the perception of competence and developing a positive future thinking among religious girls at risk who participate in the SELA program on behalf of Yedidim (HEBREW) MA Alimi, Adi Prof. Zehavit Gross
2019 Perception of the life roles : gender, work and motherhood and the development of a career perception among daughters to a careerist mother (HEBREW) MA Dayan, Chen Prof. Zehavit Gross
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2019 Cyberbullying among adolescents : victims characteristics and digital literacy, stress condition, and mediating resilience resources (HEBREW) PhD Gefen, Amir Prof. Zehavit Gross
Prof. Tali Heiman
2019 Towards development and validation of a measure of reachers' absenteeism attitude (HEBREW) PhD Ishan, Gamal Prof. Zehavit Gross
2019 Teacher's sense of self-efficacy and pedagogical content knowledge (P.C.K) of holocaust education in elementary schools and their influence on their pedagogical choices (HEBREW) PhD Richler Friedman, Yael Prof. Zehavit Gross
2019 Secret of their academic success protective factors that foster academic resilience among male Ethiopians in Israel who completed a B.A. (HEBREW) MA Rosenfeld-Lalou, Adi Prof. Zehavit Gross
2018 Expectations, sanctions and incentives in the existentiality of the ideal religious figure as a means for understanding gender-religious differences in Israel (HEBREW) MA Avraham, Adi Prof. Zehavit Gross
2018 The adaptation of orthodox women to sexuality after marriage (HEBREW) MA Boxenbaum, Liora Prof. Zehavit Gross
2018 Leisure patterns among Arab adolescents in Israel (HEBREW) MA Iraqi, Sawsan Prof. Zehavit Gross
2018 The 'split habitus' phenomenon in Muslim teachers in Israel as expressed in their 'presentation of self' in everyday life (HEBREW) PhD Naiman, Irit Prof. Zehavit Gross
2018 "The dream and its interpretation" : divorce at a young age in the religious Zionist community in Israel (HEBREW) MA Zaban, Chen Prof. Zehavit Gross
2017 The effect of socialization processes in the Israeli school system on the development of female identity among educated Bedouin women (HEBREW) MA Altory Samaher Prof. Zehavit Gross
2017 Learning from successes and failures through a non-formal education organizational climate in a municipal youth council (HEBREW) MA Amram Asherov, Einav Prof. Zehavit Gross
2017 Between altruism and egoism : motherhood to a big family and career - experience of religious Zionists women (HEBREW) MA Binenfeld-Izak, Yael Prof. Zehavit Gross