NoProblem! A Collaborative Interface for Teaching Conversation Skills to Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder

Zancanaro, M.

This chapter presents NoProblem!, a multi-user interface designed to
teach social conversation and social interaction skills to children with High
Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (HFASD). HFASD is defined as a pervasive
developmental disorder which involves deficits in socio-communication
skills as well as with repetitive behaviors and restricted interests but with a relative
high IQ (usually higher than 75). NoProblem! implements the principles of
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) by interleaving learning and experience
techniques. The process entails the display of short vignettes to present social tasks
for the children to learn about and problem solve. In the learning part, a facilitator
(teacher or therapist) uses the system to teach pairs of children about the phases of
social conversation in different settings (e.g., at school, in the playground). The
children consider and discuss prepared solutions, some of which are more
appropriate than others; they may also propose and audio-record their own solutions.
In the experience part, role-play of various conversational solutions is used.
NoProblem! aims to provide opportunities to act out various conversational
responses in a social setting that was selected as the most appropriate one and to
practice it in a safe environment with partners who will cooperate. The results of
formative and evaluation studies that demonstrate system usage and effectiveness
in the teaching of conversational skills for HFASD children are presented. The
children involved were interested, felt very competent doing this task, perceived
that they could make choices, and felt minimal pressure and tension

Zancanaro, M., Giusti, L., Bauminger-Zviely, N., Eden, S., Gal, E. and Weiss P.L. (2014)

NoProblem! A Collaborative Interface for Teaching Conversation Skills to Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. In A. Nijholt (Ed.), Playful User Interfaces: Interfaces that Invite Social and Physical Interaction (pp. 209-224). Singapore : Springer Singapore

Last Updated Date : 18/07/2018