Dr. Nava Maslovaty

    קורות חיים

    Values Education, Moral Education, Teachers and Teaching.



    Maslovaty, N., Cohen, A. & Furman, S. (2008). The Structural Validity of the Perceived Traits of the "Ideal Student" Multi-Faceted Theory among Education Students. Studies in Educational Evaluation 34(3), 165-172

    Maslovaty, N. (2004). Teaching in Moral and Democratic Education. Journal of Research in Character Education 2(1), 81-88

    Maslovaty, N. & Shitreet, E. (2003). A Comparison of the Value Systems of Ethiopian-Born Emigrants and Israeli-Born Adolescents: Origin and Gender. Education and Society, 21(2),55-74

    Maslovaty, N. (2003). The Placement of Moral Contents: Priorities and Structures of the Belief System of Teachers and High School Students. Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice 9(1),109-134

    Maslovaty, N. (2002) Teacher perceptions of the ideal high school student in the state religious subsystem in Israel as influenced by teacher profile.  Religious Education 97(4), 357-376

    Maslovaty, N. (2002). Organizational Learning: Teachers' Perceptions of the "Ideal Student" Trait System. International Journal of Manpower ,23(8), 734-753.

    Maslovaty, N. & Kuzi, E. (2002). Promoting Motivational Goals through Alternative or Traditional Assessment. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 28(3), 199-222.

    Maslovaty, N., Marshall, A. E. & Alkin, M. C. (2001). Teachers' Perceptions Structured through Facet Theory: Smallest Space Analysis versus Factor Analysis. Educational and Psychological Measurement 61(1), 71-84.

    Maslovaty, N. (2000). Teachers' choice of teaching strategies for dealing with socio-moral dilemmas in the elementary school. Journal of Moral Education 29(4), 429-444

    Maslovaty, N. & Sitton, S. (1999). Beliefs and attitudes of prospective teachers in two Israeli universities. Curriculum and Teaching 14(2), 49-74

    Gaziel, H. H.& Maslovaty, N. (1998). Predictors of job satisfaction among teachers in religous schools. Education and Society 16(2), 47-56

    Iram, Y. and Maslovaty, N. (1994). Student’s real and ideal characteristics as perceived by teachers. New Education, 16, 33-52

    Dor-Shav, Z. & Maslovaty, N. (1993). Structure and salience of Israeli adolescent values within the text and context of Judaism. Journal of Psychology and Judaism 17(1), 5-28

    Maslovaty, N. & Dor-Shav, Z. (1990). Gender and the structure and salience of values : an example from Israeli youth. Sex Roles 22(5-6), 261-281


    Last Updated Date : 23/01/2023