Theses and Dissertations


371.1 HAR i + ETHESIS
Harel, Orly. DIS3. The interactive effect of cognitive and regulatory flexibility and continuous school- related stress exposure on the risk of developing clinical symptoms and burnout among counselors and educators. PH.D. Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education, 2024.




302.231 TUR r
Turkle, Sherry. Reclaiming conversation : the power of talk in a digital age

[New York] : Penguin Press, 2016.

305.8 ETN 1
LeCompte, Margaret Diane., & Schensul, Jean J. Designing & conducting ethnographic research.
Walnut Creek, California : AltaMira Press, 1999.
305.8 ETN 2
Schensul, Stephen L., Schensul, Jean J., & LeCompteת Margaret D. Essential ethnographic methods : observations, interviews, and questionnaires.
Walnut Creek, California : AltaMira Press, 1999.
305.8 ETN 3
Schensul, Jean J., LeCompte, Margaret D., Natasi, Bonnie K., & Borgatti, Stephen P. Enhanced ethnographic methods : audiovisual techniques, focused group interviews, and elicitation techniques.
Walnut Creek, California : AltaMira Press, 1999.
 305.8 ETN 4
Schensul, Jean J., LeCompte, Margaret D., Trotter II, Robert T., Cromley, Ellen K., & Singer, Merrill.  Mapping social networks, spatial data & hidden populations.
Walnut Creek, California : AltaMira Press, 1999.
 305.8 ETN 5
LeCompte, Margaret Diane., & Schensul, Jean J. Analyzing & interpreting ethnographic data.
Walnut Creek, California : AltaMira Press, 1999. 

305.8 ETN 6
LeCompte, Margaret Diane., Schensul, Jean J., Weeks, Margaret R., & Singer, Merrill. Researcher roles & research partnerships.​​​​​
Walnut Creek, California : AltaMira Press, 1999.

305.8 ETN 7
Schensul, Jean J.,  LeCompte, Margaret D., Hess, G. Alfred., Nastasi, Bonnie K., Berg, Marlene J., Williamson, Lynne., Brecher, Jeremy., & Glasser, Ruth. Using ethnographic data : interventions, public programming and public policy

Walnut Creek, CA : Altamira Press, a division of Sage Publications, Inc., 1999.

370.115 PAR e
Parker, Walter. Education for liberal democracy : using classroom discussion to build knowledge and voice / foreword by James A. Banks.
New York, NY : Teachers College Press, [2023].
371.102 MER s + ETEXT
Mercer, Sarah., & Puchta, Herbert. Sarah Mercer and Herbert Puchta's 101 psychological tips./ consultant and editor: Scott Thornbury.

Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2023.

371.9 MIT w3
Mitchell, David R., & Sutherland, Dean. What really works in special and inclusive education : using evidence-based teaching strategies.

Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.

418.0071 ONE 2024 + ETEXT
100 great activities : the best of the Cambridge handbooks for language teachers / edited by Penny Ur and Scott Thornbury. 

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2024.

658.0711 FUT 2022
The future of management education / edited by Martin Fellenz, Sabine Hoidn, and Mairead Brady.

Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2022.

973.007 WIN w
Wineburg, Samuel S. Why learn history (when it's already on your phone)

Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2018.

   E370(A) AGB t
Agbaria, Ayman K., & Muff, Aline. Teaching civics and Islamic education in the Israeli education system and Arab-Palestinian teachers civic and religious identities : convergences and divergencies / edited by Penny Ur and Scott Thornbury. 

Tel Aviv : Walter Lebach institute for the study of Jewish-Arab coexistence, [2023].




Pedagogical library

  407 UR c3 + ETEXT
Ur, Penny. A course in English language teaching Penny Ur ; consultant and editor Scott Thornbury.
Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2024.
  428.0071 KER p + ETEXT
Kerr, Philip. Philip Kerr's 30 trends in ELT / consultant and editor: Scott Thornbury.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022.