Ecological School Culture for Novice Teachers’ Retention: Principals’ Perceptions

Zavelevsky, E.

The current study aimed to examine the perceptions of principals on aspects of the ecological school culture that contribute to novice teachers’ retention. Narratives of 16 Israeli middle-schools and high schools principals were analyzed based on the social-ecological model. This model considers the different environments related to the professional performance of novice teachers. The findings highlight several key factors that encourage retention such as processes of training, support and supervision, and socialization amongst teachers. Principals and decision-makers can implement the proposed model to increase novice teachers’ retention in their schools.

Zavelevsky, E.‪, Shapira-Lishchinsky, O.‪, Benoliel, P.‪, Klein, J.‪, & Schechter, C.‪ (2022)‪.‪ Ecological School Culture for Novice Teachers’ Retention: Principals’ Perceptions.‪ Leadership & Policy in Schools21(4)‪, 922–937.‪ https://doi.‪org/10.‪1080/15700763.‪2021.‪1879170

Last Updated Date : 22/02/2023