Become an English Teacher with an English Teaching Certificate

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Become a qualified English teacher at the faculty of education here at Bar-Ilan University.

Our English Teaching Certificate Program prepares students for one of the most important and high-demand professions in the country. We train educators to the highest standard using the latest pedagogy. Our students not only become qualified teachers of the English language, but also gain a variety of valuable leadership skills. Upon completing our TESOL program, students will be qualified to teach English in both middle schools and high schools. 

In our two-year course, comprising 24* contact hours, you will be provided with the pedagogical knowledge and educational tools required to confidently teach the English language, in both face-to-face and online classes. You will gain practical experience in our advanced digital media laboratories, where you will be filmed teaching various micro-lessons. In addition, during your practical teaching experience in local schools, you will receive close guidance and mentoring from our experienced and highly qualified lecturers and teachers in the field. 

The English Teaching Certificate curriculum includes a variety of courses such as: "Introduction to Psychology", "Multicultural Education' and " Teaching Students with Special Needs” in addition to the requisite English Language proficiency and pedagogical courses.

The English Teaching Certificate courses take place in an academic environment and are conducted in accordance with the high academic standards of Bar-Ilan University and the requirements of The Ministry of Education. Our English Teaching Certificate graduates are placed at the forefront of the Israeli Teaching and Education System.

For more information about the English Teaching Certificate at Bar-Ilan University, please contact Dr. Hagit Rifinski or call: 0526-843725. 

We look forward to welcoming you into our program


See also:

*BA English Literature/Linguistics students | 24 hours.
BA English Literature and Education students | 13 hours.
BA Linguistics and Education students | 13 hours.
MA English Literature/Linguistics students | 18 hours.
MA English Literature/Linguistics students with a dissertation | 16 hours.
Ph.D. English Literature/Linguistics students | 16 hours.

Dr. Hagit Rifinski, Ph.D

Head, TESOL Certification Program, Faculty of Education, Bar-Ilan University

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