Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1988 Family Climate: parental perception following Adlerian parents groups intervention (HEBREW) MA Horesh Ruth Prof. Yaacov Rand
1988 The effects of CAI on teachers behaviour self esteem and responsibility for students achievement (HEBREW) MA Netz Nira Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1988 Cooperative methods and academic achievements of students in desegregated classrooms (HEBREW) MA Ornan Ettie Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1988 The contribution of the participation of the educational personnel in physical planning of a school towards the improvement of the quality of its design (HEBREW) MA Politi Betty Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1988 Mate selection among young Israelis (HEBREW) PhD Shachar Rina Prof. Yaacov Rand
Dr. Nissan Rubin
1988 Mate selection among young Israelis (HEBREW) PhD Shachar Rina Prof. Yaacov Rand
Dr. Nissan Rubin
1987 Communications, cooperation and intimacy in heterogeneous classes of varied teaching styles (HEBREW) MA Choter Ishai Shifra Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1987 The effects of an early intervention program (MIC More Intelligent Child) on parents and children (HEBREW) MA Cohen-Marcus Miriam Prof. Pnina Klein
1987 The impact of adult learning on cognitive development and self concept (HEBREW) MA Dekel Ruth Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1987 Structured program of visual motor integration for preschool children (HEBREW) MA Eibushitz Jona Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1987 Educational problem in Eretz Israel (Palestine) 1919 to 1928 as reflected in the daily newspapers (HEBREW) MA Katz, Ziva Prof. Yaakov Iram
1987 Education in bio-ethics at schools of nursing in Israel (HEBREW) MA Leshem, Tova Dr. Ruth Gudman
1987 Content validity and scoring reliability of Israeli "Bagrut" (Matriculation) Examinations (HEBREW) PhD Lewy, Josef Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1987 The relationship of home background and learning environment in high schools and selected areas of the value structures of adolescents (HEBREW) PhD Masolvaty Nava Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
1987 The future as an educational value in the 2000s (HEBREW) MA Passig David Dr. Chaim I. Brawer
1987 Effects of a parental intervention program on the development of children of very low birthweight (HEBREW) MA Raziel Pnina Prof. Pnina Klein
1986 Cognitive and motivational modifiability as a function of instrumental enrichment and initial cognitive modifiability (HEBREW) MA Alfassi, Miriam Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1986 Facilitating integration in the classroom by changing the status of the socially deprived pupil (HEBREW) PhD Arzy, Judit Prof. Reuven Feuerstein
1986 The relation between family communication patterns, ego identity, and fear of personal death in adolescence (HEBREW) MA Birger, Ruthy Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1986 Feminism and equality of the sexes in education in Israel (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Orah Prof. Yaakov Iram
1986 Teacher training in the "Kidum Kria" method as a means of improving pupils' achievements in reading comprehension: the efficiency and impact of the method (HEBREW) MA Eizenhamer, Meira Prof. Yaacov Rand
1986 The sex factor and its correlates to school principal job behavior (HEBREW) MA Fodor, Leah Prof. Haim Gaziel
1986 Phenomenology of open education - differentiating between education profiles employing the S.C.A.L. - a set of components of active learning (HEBREW) PhD Glaubman, Rivka Prof. Yaakov Iram
1986 Teaching girls Torah Sheb'al-peh in religious high schools (HEBREW) MA Ismach, Moshe Prof. Moshé Max Ahrend
1986 Differential cognitive style of children and its relationships with: mother’s cognitive style, differential child-rearing practices, mother’s working and masculinity-femininity dimension (Hebrew) MA Neumeier, Miriam Prof. Yaacov Rand