Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1986 The influence of computer training on the cognitive development of young children (HEBREW) MA Shany, Michal Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1986 Logical Aristotelian thinking (verbal and non verbal) versus Piaget's model: an investigation of late childhood (HEBREW) MA Wallach, Bilha (nee LINK) Prof. Iosef Glanz
1986 Education for democracy: characteristics and measurement in the high schools (HEBREW) PhD Zidkiyahu, Shlomo Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Miryam Shemida
1986 Education for democracy: characteristics and measurement in the high schools (HEBREW) PhD Zidkiyahu, Shlomo Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Miryam Shemida
1985 The influence of cognitive enrichment on the self concept of soldiers needing care (HEBREW) MA Amrani, Nissim Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1985 The effects of CAI on mathematics anxiety (HEBREW) MA Ben-Artzy, Sigal Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1985 Matal curriculum project an innovation in the Arab sector of the Israel educational system (HEBREW) MA Haj Ali, Muhammad Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1985 The relationships between social support, mothers' coping behaviors, and perception of her chronically ill child with a congenital heart disease (HEBREW) MA Katz, Shira Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1985 The Hebrew-National Teacher during the period of the First Aliyah (1882-1903) (HEBREW) MA Krim, Shoshana Prof. Yaakov Iram
1985 "Kaveret - Teachers' Center for Active Learning": A description and inquiry into a new organization (HEBREW) MA Ron, Amalia Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1985 A comparison of special education students (borderline and slightly retarded) in vocational junior high school and integrated junior high school in the area of personality, achievement and social status (HEBREW) MA Yaacobi, Shalom Prof.
1985 Differential methods in vocational education for acquiring workers "Role-Resources" in industry (HEBREW) MA Yachil, Chaim Prof. Miryam Shemida
1984 Leisure of high school youth in the kibbutz and in the city (HEBREW) MA Atara Sivan Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1984 The relation between self-concept, alienation and delinquent activity among youth (HEBREW) MA Barak Yehudit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1984 The teaching of Hebrew reading in Eretz Israel: Critical analysis of its development, problems, methods and results (HEBREW) PhD Gillis Miriam Prof.
1984 The effects of CORT method on the development of creative thinking, intrinsic motivation, locus of control and perceived competence (HEBREW) MA Levy, Ester Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1984 Making the Bible studies meaningful in teacher education: A means of drawing the learner closer to Jewish culture (HEBREW) MA Ofra, Tomer Dr. Avraham Zalkin
1984 The influence of two enrichment types on the cognitive development of kindegarten children (HEBREW) MA Pewzner Ruth Prof. Pnina Klein
1984 Differential aspects of the "Kita-Tipoulit" and its perception by the educational staff in school (HEBREW) MA Richenberg Rivka Prof. Yaacov Rand
1984 Children's concepts of old age and their feelings toward old age and the elderly (HEBREW) MA Rosental Varda Prof. Pnina Klein
1984 The status and the functioning of the humanities subjects in the technological education system in Israel (HEBREW) MA Shemen Sarah Prof. Raphael Schneller
1984 The effect of different teaching methods on questioning behaviour of young children (HEBREW) MA Susak Ziva Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1984 Yisrael Belkind and "Kiriat-Sefer": A chapter in the history of National Hebrew Education in Eretz-Yisrael (1903-1929) (HEBREW) MA Tarshish Zvi Prof. Yaakov Iram
1984 Developing problem solving abilities and positive attitudes towards aging by means of experiential mastery learning (HEBREW) MA Werner, Shulamit Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1984 The normal siblings of the exceptional child (HEBREW) PhD Zaider, Joseph Prof. Iosef Glanz