Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1995 The relationship between personality and participation in breast cancer instructional program (HEBREW) MA Berkowitz Mallka Dr. Rachel Shifron
1995 The joining of the union of teachers to the general federation of labour (Histadrut) (HEBREW) MA Even Shushan Ruthi Prof. Yaakov Iram
1995 Leisure-time patterns of urban oldsters in Israel - An intercultural comparison (HEBREW) MA Garniek, Miriam Prof. Haim Hazan
1995 Decline in academic achievement between the 9th grade (junior high-school) and the 12th grade in high-school as a function of the epistemic ideology, attribution style and self esteem (HEBREW) MA Geffen-Wagner, Elisheva Dr. Avigail Yinon
1995 The nature of the mediational interaction between grandparents and grandchildren (HEBREW) MA Glazer, Ziva Prof. Pnina Klein
1995 The relationship between self esteem and alienation and the quality leisure time of youth in distress (HEBREW) MA Gozlan, Yossi Prof. Yaacov Katz
1995 The effects of the Bright Start program in the kindergarten on school achievements and cognitive functioning at first grade MA Kanner, Ella Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1995 The connection between the use of objects in sociodramatic play and aspects of communication and narrative abilities in preschool children (HEBREW) MA Kashy Rosenbaum, Gabriela Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1995 Cognitive modifiability among elderly mentally retarded people (HEBREW) PhD Lifshitz, Hefziba Prof. Yaacov Rand
1995 The effect of strategy instruction to reading comprehension utilizing Rational Cloze & complete text, on the acquisition & internalization of these strategies in elementary school students (HEBREW) MA Peled, Bracha Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
1995 Student - Cooperating teacher interaction within the framework of practical teaching experience and its interaction to modes of existence, attitudes toward education and reflective teaching (HEBREW) PhD Reichenberg, Rivka Prof. Yaacov Rand
1995 The effect of mediated learning processes on cognitive style within dynamic assessment (HEBREW) MA Schank, Tova Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1995 Training chracteristics as basis to improve the training process (HEBREW) MA Sity, Yeheskel Dr. Mati Ronen
1995 Teaching reading to children with Down's Syndrome (HEBREW) MA Unger Lea Dr. Micha Razel
1995 Comparing the effects of three methods that develop kindergarten children to generate questions on achievements in analogical problems solving, self-directed learning and transfer of learning (HEBREW) MA Vered, Tamir Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1995 The structure of work values for teachers from various educational streams (HEBREW) MA Wittert-Zarhi, Ruth Prof. Dov Elizur
Prof. Haim Gaziel
1995 The structure of work values for teachers from various educational streams (HEBREW) MA Wittert-Zarhi, Ruth Prof. Dov Elizur
Prof. Haim Gaziel
1995 Characteristics of conceptual transformation by using semantic mapping and by not using semantic mapping (HEBREW) MA Wolffensperger, Yochi Dr.
1995 The relationship between assessment methods and planning of adaptation and mediation of tasks to individual learners, in self-directed-active-learning (SDAL) classrooms (HEBREW) MA Zimet, Gila Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1994 Nonverbal behavior and inter-cultural counseling : the influence of counselor and client cultural background on proxemic behaviour MA Amir Lynda Gold Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1994 Learning by means of database and its impact on cognitive skills (HEBREW) MA Bar, Ruth Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1994 The democratic climate as it is perceived by students and teachers in different high school frameworks (HEBREW) MA Budnaro, Dafna Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1994 Developmental aspects of cognitive modifiability in young children (HEBREW) MA Cohen-Baruch, Talma Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1994 Development and evaluation of a unit on programmable controllers (HEBREW) MA Dagan, Yaacov Prof. Joseph Menis
1994 The relationship between epistemic ideology, attitude towards ability, attribution style, the teacher's expectations and his messages in appraisal situations in the classroom (HEBREW) MA Eliahu, Geula Dr. Avigail Yinon