Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1991 The relations between management styles, school-focussed inservice training and organizational climate of elementary school (HEBREW) MA Kula, Aliya Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1991 The right for equality, due process and human dignity in the educational placement procedure of the exceptional student (a comparison between U.S.A and Israel) (HEBREW) MA Mutzafi, David Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
Prof. Shlomo Nachmias
1991 The right for equality, due process and human dignity in the educational placement procedure of the exceptional student (a comparison between U.S.A and Israel) (HEBREW) MA Mutzafi, David Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
Prof. Shlomo Nachmias
1991 The implementation and institutionalization of "The integrated topic" in Israel elementary schools - a multiple case study (HEBREW) MA Ragowsky, Tziona Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1991 The development of a system of post primary private lessons in light of changes in educational policy (HEBREW) MA Rottem, Miriam Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1991 A comparison of the morphological, syntactic and narrative ability of reading and disabled readers (HEBREW) MA Schiff, Rachel Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
1991 A comparison of the morphological, syntactic and narrative ability of reading and disabled readers (HEBREW) MA Schiff, Rachel Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
1991 Social labeling and change of attitudes in the encounter between religious and secular pupils (HEBREW) MA Schlesinger, Aviva Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1991 The influence of the study of legal principles and of the discussion of moral dilemmas on the level of moral judgement of pupils from middle-class and disadvantaged backgrounds (HEBREW) MA Soly, Natan Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1991 The relationship between adjustment to academic demands and stressful situations, epistemic needs and coping processes with stressful situations at high school (HEBREW) MA Tevet, Ziva Dr. Avigail Yinon
1991 Classroom management styles as related to attitudes toward education and classroom organization in frontal and group lessons (HEBREW) MA Yeger, Edna Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1990 A new Bible curriculum for the state religious schools its implementation and the factors affecting it (HEBREW) PhD Aaronson, Raphael Z. Prof. Moshé Max Ahrend
1990 The effects of parental guidance (through the Misc program) on cognitive performance and behavior of young children (HEBREW) MA Alony, Sari Prof. Pnina Klein
1990 The relation between thinking and effective variables during later childhood with a consideration of demographic factors (HEBREW) PhD Feldman Adriana Prof. Iosef Glanz
Dr. M. Shnider
1990 The relation between thinking and effective variables during later childhood with a consideration of demographic factors (HEBREW) PhD Feldman Adriana Prof. Iosef Glanz
Dr. M. Shnider
1990 Cooperative methods, social interpersonal communication, and relations between pupils in heterogeneous classes (HEBREW) MA Granit, Aliza Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1990 A comparative research of infant schools with regular schools in the field of teaching strategies, organizational climate , job satisfaction and professional self image of teachers (HEBREW) MA Lev Lea Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1990 The influence of curriculum factors in pedagogy as perceived by students upon their achievements (HEBREW) PhD Porat Nili Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
1990 Attitudes and Behaviour of Religious Kibbutz Youth as a Functionof the "Self-Concept" and "Epistemic Ideology" (HEBREW) MA Yemini, Leah Dr. Avigail Yinon
1989 The Spacial behavior in the Israeli society (HEBREW) MA Alron Malca Prof. Raphael Schneller
1989 The effects of cooperative mastery learning on achievement, self concept and inter-ethnic relations (HEBREW) MA Barak Mira Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1989 The relation between mediated learning strategies in mother-child interaction and cognitive modifiablity (HEBREW) MA Ernest Hadassa Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1989 The relationship of the variables: Family size, birth order and child's perception of parents' behavior to the intellectual level of the child (HEBREW) PhD Espagnoly Hazzan Hala Prof. Iosef Glanz
Dr. M. Shnider
1989 The relationship of the variables: Family size, birth order and child's perception of parents' behavior to the intellectual level of the child (HEBREW) PhD Espagnoly Hazzan Hala Prof. Iosef Glanz
Dr. M. Shnider
1989 The influence of meta-memory on acquisition, transfer and retention of memory tasks (HEBREW) MA Fattal Shelly Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel