Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1983 The history of the Hebrew gymnasiums in Kovno between the two world wars, 1918-1940 (HEBREW) MA Alexandrov, Leah Prof. Yaakov Iram
1983 The development of Jewish identity in Israel general schools (Jewish thought as a source of educational orientation) (HEBREW) PhD Ben-Bassat, Nurith Prof. Dov Rappel
1983 The attitudes of parents of oriental origin living in new immigrants' moshavim and the attitudes of teachers in an integrative moshav school with regard to the educational cooperation of these two groups (HEBREW) MA Doron, Yoav Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1983 A comparison of the abilities of children who have difficulty in learning arithmetic and those who do not, by cognitive developmental tasks in disfunctioned minimal brain damage children and normal children (HEBREW) MA Falk, Bracha Prof. Iosef Glanz
1983 The Gunzburg approach in care, education and rehabilitation of moderate to low mentally retarded children (HEBREW) MA Golinski, Hanah Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1983 Midrashim as a source of Chazal's pedagogical concept (HEBREW) MA Hacohen, Bella Dr. Avraham Zalkin
1983 Cognitive change and social competence among institutional mentally retarded persons versus mentally retarded persons living at home (HEBREW) MA Lifshitz, Hefziba Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1983 Jewish consciousness in state education (HEBREW) MA Navon, Chaim Prof. Dov Rappel
1983 Reactions of children in families where one of the parents suffer from a terminal illness (Cancer) (HEBREW) MA Neeman, Ester Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1983 "Hakefar-Hayarok" (1950-1954) - it's unique pedagogical character and contribution to agricultural education in Israel (HEBREW) MA Refaeli, Moshe Prof. Yaakov Iram
1983 The connection between the leadership style preference and educational pattern preference of Yeshiva high school teachers and their levels of maturity (HEBREW) MA Wasserman, Yechiel Prof. Haim Gaziel
1982 Pedagogical attitudes of education students and their use in the prediction of success in teaching (HEBREW) MA Feldman, Adriana Prof. Eliezer Stern
1982 Modefiability of the Bedouin adolescents in the Negev desert (HEBREW) MA Rashid, Tayeh Prof. Reuven Feuerstein
1982 Changes in education for national values in Israel during the "Yishuv" period and in state education in Israel (HEBREW) MA Segev, Carmela Prof. Yaakov Iram
Prof. Eliezer Stern
1982 Changes in education for national values in Israel during the "Yishuv" period and in state education in Israel (HEBREW) MA Segev, Carmela Prof. Yaakov Iram
Prof. Eliezer Stern
1981 A suggestion for a alternative system to the solution of problems for youth in distressed neighborhoods: aspects of values, organisation and treatment (HEBREW) MA Avraham, Beatrice Prof. Eliezer Stern
1981 Attitudes of students in teacher training colleges toward the disadvantaged child (HEBREW) MA Daniely, Dina Prof. Yaacov Rand
1981 The vocational Yeshiva - an educational framework for heterogeneous students population (HEBREW) MA Dokow, Shmuel Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
Prof. Miryam Shemida
1981 The vocational Yeshiva - an educational framework for heterogeneous students population (HEBREW) MA Dokow, Shmuel Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
Prof. Miryam Shemida
1981 The transition from elementary to junior high school: changes in level of manifest learning anxiety and its relationship to other personal variables (HEBREW) MA Golan, Hadasa Dr.
1981 The methodological literature concerning the teaching of the Bible (in Israel) - its attitudes and its relationship towards aims of teaching formulated by the Ministry of education and culture of Israel (HEBREW) MA Mishaly, Dinah Prof. Moshé Max Ahrend
1981 The Hebrew-Zionist education in the "Tarbut" schools in Poland, between the two world wars (HEBREW) MA Nativ, Ester Prof. Eliezer Stern
1981 Expectations of teachers with different pedagogical background from disadvantaged and advantaged pupils in junior high school heterogeneous classes (HEBREW) MA Plato, Rivka Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1981 Women's home economics study groups, as a medium for the nurture of independent views on family and home issues, through the influence of clearly committed instructors (HEBREW) MA Shamgar, Yedida Dr. Ruth Gudman
1981 Teachers' expectations for personal career development in Israel high school (HEBREW) MA Tsoyzner, Issac Prof. Haim Gaziel