Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2014 Teachers’ perceptions of their role in shaping the identity of students with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Kerr, Yulia Dr. Elli Schachter
2014 The journey to academic world : conributing and impeding factors on learning among students with visual impairment and their effect on learning experiences in academia PhD Krisi, Miri Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2014 The integration policy of special needs children in regular schools : a comparative policy research (HEBREW) MA Levy, Idit Associate Prof. Iris BenDavid-Hadar
2014 Relationships between a constructivist learning environment and moral perceptions of teachers and students in Israeli junior high and high schools (HEBREW) PhD Malka, Daphna Dr. Hannah Shachar
2014 The effect of race, distinctiveness and inversion on face recognition in children with ASD and typical development (HEBREW) MA Manole, Anat Dr. Or Catz
Prof. Nira Mashal
2014 The effect of race, distinctiveness and inversion on face recognition in children with ASD and typical development (HEBREW) MA Manole, Anat Dr. Or Catz
Prof. Nira Mashal
2014 Word meaning support during book reading among Arabic-speaking mothers and relations to SES and child’s language (HEBREW) MA Massalha, Aidah Prof. Ofra Korat
2014 The effects of naming ability and phonological awareness on reading development among first graders : application of the tip-of-the-tongue paradigm (HEBREW) MA Massarano, Odelia Prof. Rachel Schiff
2014 Linguistic factors in the topic transitions of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders MA Matz, Tamar Prof. Nira Mashal
2014 The acquisition of graphomotor learning task : a comparison of preschool children and young adults aged 17-35 years (HEBREW) MA Meir, Rivka Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2014 Students’ perceptions of lecturers’ role in forming their identity, in light of possible conflict in studying biblical research : a case study in the biblical studies department in Bar Ilan university (HEBREW) MA Mori, Limor Dr. Elli Schachter
2014 Trilogy of leadership phenomena in a population with ID : traits, leadership styles and the reciprocal relationship between leaders and followers (HEBREW) PhD Nissim, Shoshana Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2014 Trilogy of leadership phenomena in a population with ID : traits, leadership styles and the reciprocal relationship between leaders and followers (HEBREW) PhD Nissim, Shoshana Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2014 Co-therapy by an educator and a therapist : group art-therapy at special education school : from field work to a theoretic model (HEBREW) PhD Ofer-Yarom, Miryam Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2014 Co-therapy by an educator and a therapist : group art-therapy at special education school : from field work to a theoretic model (HEBREW) PhD Ofer-Yarom, Miryam Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2014 Collective learning in schools : exploring the perceptions of leadership trainees MA Perelman, Yif’at Prof. Chen Schechter
2014 "He’s not just my brother" - Siblings as identity agents (HEBREW) MA Porat, Rotem Dr. Elli Schachter
2014 Electromyography (EMG) technique for assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (HEBREW) PhD Rabichev, Shimon Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Albert Pinhasov
2014 Electromyography (EMG) technique for assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (HEBREW) PhD Rabichev, Shimon Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Albert Pinhasov
2014 Teachers’ perceptions and attitudes as predictors of teachers’ absenteeism and organizational behaviors : comparing mainstream and special educational schools (HEBREW) MA Raftar-Ozery, Tehila Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2014 Factors that affect mathematics teachers’ planning, implementation and reflection (HEBREW) PhD Saban, Gabriela Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2014 Learning from success: exploring the oerceptions of Israeli - Muslim Arab school principals (HEBREW) MA Samara, Haifa Prof. Chen Schechter
2014 Teachers’ psychological empowerment through experiencing ethical dilemmas in team-based simulations (HEBREW) MA Sawady, Tsipi Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2014 Students teacher interaction in videotaped pedagogical situations analysis’ impact on SRL fostering teaching (HEBREW) MA Sendik, Meir Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2014 Students teacher interaction in videotaped pedagogical situations analysis’ impact on SRL fostering teaching (HEBREW) MA Sendik, Meir Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky