Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2018 Systems thinking in educational leadership: structure validation (HEBREW) MA Nadav, Nechama Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
Prof. Chen Schechter
2018 Systems thinking in educational leadership: structure validation (HEBREW) MA Nadav, Nechama Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
Prof. Chen Schechter
2018 The 'split habitus' phenomenon in Muslim teachers in Israel as expressed in their 'presentation of self' in everyday life (HEBREW) PhD Naiman, Irit Prof. Zehavit Gross
2018 Connection between spirituality and meaning in life and well-being, risk behaviors and violent involvement among adolescents in Israel (HEBREW) MA Noy , Shimrit Associate Prof. Yossi Harel-Fisch
2018 Exploring the ethical aspects of TIMSS international learning assessments (HEBREW) PhD Ohayon, Avi Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2018 Executive functions and their effect on phonology and morphology abilities : a comparison between specific language impairment and typically developed kindergartners (HEBREW) MA Ohayon, Yifat Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Teachers’ professional identity in educational innovation (HEBREW) PhD Rachamim, Sharon Associate Prof. Elie Holzer
2018 A tool for measuring the potential success in implementing an innovative technological idea among tech innovators (HEBREW) PhD Rave, Yechiel Prof. David Passig
2018 The role of left IFG in phonological, syntactic and semantic processing of homographic words : a transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) study (HEBREW) PhD Raviv, Haim Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Orna Peleg
2018 The role of left IFG in phonological, syntactic and semantic processing of homographic words : a transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) study (HEBREW) PhD Raviv, Haim Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Orna Peleg
2018 Spelling of function letters in Hebrew among Hebrew-speaking students (HEBREW) MA Rosenstock, Shlomit Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Perception of the psychological contract violation as a mediator between school environment and utilization of instruction hours in high schools in Israel (HEBREW) MA Sabag, Simcha Merav Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2018 The effect of metacognitive guidance and collaborative learning on a motivational dialog between teacher and student during environmental inquiry-based learning process through on-line asynchronous forums MA Schwartz, Liron Prof. Michal Zion
2018 Influence of teaching calculus issues in Rabbinical literature on of ultra-orthodox students positions towards math (HEBREW) PhD Sendik, Meir Prof. Ely Merzbach
Prof. Noah Dana-Picard
2018 Influence of teaching calculus issues in Rabbinical literature on of ultra-orthodox students positions towards math (HEBREW) PhD Sendik, Meir Prof. Ely Merzbach
Prof. Noah Dana-Picard
2018 Understanding a story and retrieving it aftar reading the electronic book with a support level of detail, support level of inference and support level of the combination between them (HEBREW) MA Shabo-Rozanski , Gili Prof. Ofra Korat
2018 The development of reference ability : a comparison between children with SLI and children with normal language development (HEBREW) MA Shaham, Aliza Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Characteristics of social interaction in preschoolers with high-functioning ASD in different social situations with their peers in relation to ASD severity, social disability, and IQ /(HEBREW) MA Shalom-Zehavi, Merav Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2018 Analysis of mediation components during distance learning of high school students trained in small group (dyad) mediation (HEBREW) MA Shamir, Orit Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2018 Analysis of mediation components during distance learning of high school students trained in small group (dyad) mediation (HEBREW) MA Shamir, Orit Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2018 Mediation as a moderating factor of aggression behaviors from watching television (HEBREW) PhD Shany, Yael Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2018 Updating processes following contradictory information in a narrative text : the degree of reader’s access to previous information (HEBREW) MA Shapira, Sivan Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Teachers’ pedagogical considerations in developing a program for holocaust studies as the subject matter for the 30/70 principle"? (HEBREW) MA Sokel Danovich, Ma’ayan Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2018 Educational reforms and teachers unions in Israel (2001-2011) (HEBREW) PhD Sorek, Zion Prof. Haim Gaziel
2018 Development of general creativity and mathematical creativity by MCR pedagogy (HEBREW) PhD Taieb, Naama Prof. Zmira Mevarech