Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2010 A model for building a successful online academic course and a tool for examining the degree of implementation of pedagogical strategies in the virtual environment of an online academic course (HEBREW) PhD Hacohen, Hadas Malca Prof. David Passig
2010 Development of phonological processing skills among readers with reading disabilities compared to readers with typical development (HEBREW) MA Halabi, Yafit Prof. Rachel Schiff
2010 Cargivers’ experience of separation from children in day care (HEBREW) MA Hantz, Michal Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2010 Cargivers’ experience of separation from children in day care (HEBREW) MA Hantz, Michal Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2010 Maternal mediation during a shared book-reading activity and its contribution to children’s literacy in kindergarten and first grade: evidence from the Arab family (Hebrew) PhD Hassunah Arafat, Safieh Prof. Pnina Klein
Prof. Ofra Korat
2010 Maternal mediation during a shared book-reading activity and its contribution to children’s literacy in kindergarten and first grade: evidence from the Arab family (Hebrew) PhD Hassunah Arafat, Safieh Prof. Pnina Klein
Prof. Ofra Korat
2010 Humor creation in teaching: re-evaluation of the multidimentional theory for humor creation (HEBREW) PhD Inglis, Varda Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2010 Patterns of help-seeking among normative and at-risk youth: characteristics of the help receiver, help provider, and perceptions of the problem (HEBREW) PhD Kaim, Zeev Prof. Shlomo Romi
2010 Between connection and alienation: at-risk adolescents in Haredi society: an ecological study with psychological and sociological aspects (HEBREW) PhD Kali, Anat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2010 Between connection and alienation: at-risk adolescents in Haredi society: an ecological study with psychological and sociological aspects (HEBREW) PhD Kali, Anat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2010 he influence of informal learning activity: a competitive inquiry about Marie Curie and other female scientists on students and female students’ attitiudes about science, scientific career and women in science (HEBREW) MA Katz, Luba Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2010 he influence of informal learning activity: a competitive inquiry about Marie Curie and other female scientists on students and female students’ attitiudes about science, scientific career and women in science (HEBREW) MA Katz, Luba Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2010 The relationship between school structure and maintenance and organizational learning mechanisms in elementary schools at the ultra orthodox sector (HEBREW) MA Kazayof, Shlomo Prof. Chen Schechter
2010 Jewish peoplehood identification among Israeli and English educators: a typological analysis (HEBREW) MA Kedar, Shelley Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2010 Collaborative problem solving in young children with high functioning autism spectrum disorders (HEBREW) PhD Kimhi, Yael Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2010 Developing pedadogical self-regulation at preservice teachers in a technological environment, supported by reflection in different foci (HEBREW) PhD Kohen, Zehavit Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2010 Curricular approaches of a group of Israeli teachers of Jewish subjects during their teacher education and while teaching independently (HEBREW) PhD Levi, Liora Prof. Yaakov Iram
2010 The Jewish thought curricula in the state-religious educational system between 1970-2002: a comparative study (HEBREW) PhD Levin, Ariel Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2010 Cognitive flexibility in the drawings and sculptures of bilingual Arabic-Hebrew speaking children (HEBREW) MA Libnawi, Afaf Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2010 Children’s drawings in relation to mother-child interaction and children’s cognitive performance in the transition from kindergarten to first grade (HEBREW) PhD Lifshitz, Rivka Prof. Pnina Klein
2010 Effects of phonological and morphological awareness on children’s word reading development in two socioeconomic backgrounds (HEBREW) MA Lotem-Broun, Einav Prof. Rachel Schiff
2010 The advantage and disadvantages of the state school concerning the Jewish studies according to the perception of its students (HEBREW) MA Luz-Sillman, Yaara Prof. Zehavit Gross
2010 Effects of teaching quality, students’ satisfaction and students’ sense of belonging on students at risk in dropping out of elementary and high schools (HEBREW) PhD Magen-Nagar, Noga Dr. Hannah Shachar
2010 The relations between creativity of first grade children, mother-child interactions and self regulation (HEBREW) MA Mahler, Si Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Prof. Pnina Klein
2010 The relations between creativity of first grade children, mother-child interactions and self regulation (HEBREW) MA Mahler, Si Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Prof. Pnina Klein