Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2000 The influence of arousal and ethnic identity on color-naming of ethnic-related words (HEBREW) MA HaCohen, Rachel Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2000 The relation between different levels of cognitive load and the allocation of resources in reading (HEBREW) MA Hod-Shemer, Orit Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2000 An evaluation of academic achievements and motivational affective variables as a function of a structured academic program for youth at risk (HEBREW) MA Karassin, Iris Dr. Miriam Alfassi
2000 Influence of change project and school characteristics on teachers' sense of efficacy in state elementary schools, state-religious elementary schools and high schools (HEBREW) MA Kauffman-Sheffi, Tzilli Dr. Hannah Shachar
2000 The relationship between sex-role typing, stereotyping mathematics as a male domain, and fear of success and between mathematics achievement (HEBREW) MA Kazes, Sari Dr.
2000 The effect of bilingualism on language development among children attending educational frameworks of differing qualities (HEBREW) MA Krissi, Avigayil Dr. Micha Razel
2000 The correlation between the teacher's commitment to the school and to the student and implementing pedagogical change in the classroom (HEBREW) MA Kuperberg, Noga Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2000 The influence of overt/implicit metacognitive training on the reading comprehension of EFL college students (HEBREW) MA Kurzweil, Irit Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2000 The connection between teachers’ in-service participation, the organizational culture of the school, teachers’ sense of efficacy, teachers’ satisfaction and the use of innovative teaching methods in regular and religious schools (HEBREW) MA Levi Livni, Shuly Dr. Hannah Shachar
2000 The bilingual influence on phonological awareness in Hebrew in early childhood (HEBREW) MA Longini, Ruthie Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2000 Judgment under uncertainty and the need for cognitive closure (HEBREW) MA Machol, Nava Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2000 The effect among reflective children of stimulus complexity on time and the precision of its processing (HEBREW) MA Manor- Ashkenazi, Anat Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2000 The linkage between the ability to empathize and perceptions of familial environment among pre-adolescents (HEBREW) MA Margalit, Idit Dr. Adriana Feldman
2000 The Jewish youth movement "Ezra" - Tora, Nationalism and Pioneering (1936-1988) (HEBREW) PhD Navon (Phima), Haim Prof. Yaakov Iram
2000 The connection between the infant school and personality variables on the child (HEBREW) MA Rosenwald, Milka Prof. Yaacov Katz
2000 The stroop effect as a measure of words complexity (HEBREW) MA Roth, Shula Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2000 Differences between school counselors and teachers in understanding of the concept "motivation" (HEBREW) MA Shiram, Zisa Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2000 The relationship between locus of control field , dependence/independence to self esteem in "new immigrants" and "long term immigrants" from the Former Soviet Union (HEBREW) MA Strutti, Orna Dr. Avigail Yinon
2000 The relation between visual and auditory attention and performance of procedures in solving algebraic equations with one unknown (HEBREW) MA Tanami, Yechiel Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2000 Are cognitive skills context-bound? Evidence from analogical problem-solving training and transfer (HEBREW) PhD Weiss, Isaac Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2000 Teaching concept mapping by hypermedia program and evaluating the efficacy in altering attitudes and motivation to learn science subjects among high school students (HEBREW) MA Zeinchner, Barak Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2000 The policy of State Religious Education between unifying vagueness and divisive amorphousness (HEBREW) MA Zelniker, Tami Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
1999 Differences in generating narratives in two age groups: 6 and 9 year old MA Baruch, Rachel Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1999 Learned resourcefulness of boys and girls in adolescence and it's correlation to self-efficacy and social competence (HEBREW) MA Bernstein, Adina Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 Learned resourcefulness of boys and girls in adolescence and it's correlation to self-efficacy and social competence (HEBREW) MA Bernstein, Adina Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz