Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2023 Leadership for social mobility in the Arab educational system in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Elmalak-Wattad, Alaa Prof. Chen Schechter
2023 Coherency challenge : how stakeholders make sense of professional learning communities (HEBREW) PhD Govrin, Shevi Prof. Chen Schechter
2023 Resilience in school leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic : opportunities and challenges (HEBREW) MA Gruber, Maayan Atara Prof. Chen Schechter
2023 Coherence of professional development in the Israeli education system MA Hirsch, Arnon Prof. Chen Schechter
2023 Principals’ systems thinking and school effectiveness : the mediating role of SMT learning and collective teacher efficacy and the moderating role of (dis)similarity and school structure PhD Nadav, Nechama Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
Prof. Chen Schechter
2023 Characteristics and development of secondary schools' disciplinary professional learning communities in mathematics deliberating on their successes (HEBREW) PhD Shamir, Orit Prof. Chen Schechter
Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
2022 Investigation of resilience attributes and practices among school principals during the induction period (HEBREW) PhD Halevi, Lior Prof. Chen Schechter
2020 Coherence between policy makers and school leaders : exploring pedagogical reform in Israel MA Bros, Eliana Prof. Chen Schechter
2020 Collective learning from success among middle school English teachers : factors that foster or inhibit the process of learning from success MA Halevy, Meran Prof. Chen Schechter
2019 Staff members' perceptions of "learning from success" in a special education school for students with severe intellectual disabilities MA Kasnett, Tova Prof. Chen Schechter
2019 New principals entry to post and the micro politics in schools (HEBREW) PhD Soria, Ofrfa Prof. Chen Schechter
2018 Exploring school principals’ sense-making of their leadership role within the natinal reform "courage to change" PhD Ganon-Shilon, Sherry Prof. Chen Schechter
2018 Systems thinking in educational leadership: structure validation (HEBREW) MA Nadav, Nechama Associate Prof. Pascale Benoliel
Prof. Chen Schechter
2018 Mentoring new principals investigating the models and stages of development of the mentoring process in the first two years of principals' work (HEBREW) PhD Yaakov-Firuz, Florit Prof. Chen Schechter
2017 School middle leaders’ perceptions of "the meaningful learning reform" (HEBREW) MA Geffen Sitton Hagay Prof. Chen Schechter
2016 The effects of online ’powerful learning environments’ on self-regulated learning, technological pedagogical content knowledge and sefl-efficacy about technology integration among preservice teachers MA Ben-Aharon, Danit Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
Prof. Chen Schechter
2016 Exploring the professional learning community in special education schools serving pupils with autism PhD Feldman, Niv Prof. Chen Schechter
2016 An Integrative model for predicting faculty properties and student achievement in Israeli elementary schools : exploring the role of principals’ characteristics and organizational learning mechanisms PhD Qadach, Mowafaq Prof. Chen Schechter
2016 Longitudinal study (six years) for evaluation of a model of a professional learning community of district superintendents in the Israeli ministry of education : characteristics, development, and generation of a model for reform implementation (HEBREW) PhD Rousso, Lilly Prof. Chen Schechter
2015 Metaphors of secondary school teachers for teaching, teamwork and school management in the era of "Oz Latmura" reform (HEBREW) MA Damari, Avishag Prof. Chen Schechter
2015 Mentoring prospective principals in the principals’ training program : determinants of meaningful mentor-mentee relationship as perceived by the mentoring principals (HEBREW) MA Kneller, Jonathan Prof. Chen Schechter
2015 High-school principals’ perceptions of their roles and abilities to cope with the reform "Oz Letmura" (HEBREW) MA Shamsiev, Odeya Chen Prof. Chen Schechter
2014 Collective learning in schools : exploring the perceptions of leadership trainees MA Perelman, Yif’at Prof. Chen Schechter
2014 Learning from success: exploring the oerceptions of Israeli - Muslim Arab school principals (HEBREW) MA Samara, Haifa Prof. Chen Schechter
2014 Systems-thinking in school leadership : characteristics, sources and development PhD Shaked, Haim Prof. Chen Schechter