Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2005 The relation between sexual identity parental inter relational perception, self concept, religions concept among adolescent in two educational systems (HEBREW) MA Ben Moshe, Avihu Dr. Adriana Feldman
2002 The influence of structured water activities for infants upon motor ability, parental attitude, self concept and adaptation in kindergarten aged children (HEBREW) MA Asher, Daphna Dr. Adriana Feldman
2002 Learning style and its correlation to gender, ethnic origin, level of extraversion and academic achievement in junior high school (HEBREW) MA Catabi, Yonit Dr. Adriana Feldman
2002 Attachment, prenatal attachment and anxiety among pregnant women who have experienced the loss of a fetus and their counterparts who have not experienced the loss of a fetus (HEBREW) MA Gadassi-Schwartz, Hila Dr. Adriana Feldman
2002 Loneliness as related to ego identity and sociometric status (HEBREW) MA Stein, Leah Dr. Adriana Feldman
2002 Movement profile expression, attachment patterns and self esteem during latency (HEBREW) MA Yatzkan Siryus, Merav Dr. Adriana Feldman
2001 Adolescents' perception of marital conflict in relation to their resourcefulness and adjustment, among adolescents with divorced parents as compared to those with married parents (HEBREW) MA Sheinberg, Ronit Dr. Adriana Feldman
2000 The linkage between the ability to empathize and perceptions of familial environment among pre-adolescents (HEBREW) MA Margalit, Idit Dr. Adriana Feldman
1999 Learned resourcefulness of boys and girls in adolescence and it's correlation to self-efficacy and social competence (HEBREW) MA Bernstein, Adina Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 The relation between the risk-taking tendency in adolescence and attachment styles, ego identity and logical thinking (HEBREW) MA Booskila-Sibony, Orly Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 The adolescent's perception of his family environment in reference to the quality of his relationship with a best friend and the evaluation of his adjustment to school (HEBREW) MA Krieger, Batia Dr. Adriana Feldman
1999 The life-regard of learning disabled adolescents and its connection to their self-image and their ability of coping (HEBREW) MA Lavi, Tal Dr. Adriana Feldman
1999 The effect of directing instruction on reading comprehension monitoring of expository texts among high achieving students (HEBREW) MA Steigman, Michelle Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 Self-concept and friendliness of students with learning-difficulties studying in two different integrative frameworks in comparison with regular students (HEBREW) MA Bernstein, Raphael-Yehonatan Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1998 Parental attitudes relating to their multiply handicapped children as influenced by facilitated communication (HEBREW) MA Chukat, Chani Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 The relation between career maturity and ego identity and gender identity among Israeli and Ethiopian adolescents (HEBREW) MA Haiman, Shimrit Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 The relationship between locus of control and adjustment: a comparative study between children with emotional problems, hearing impairments, cerebral palsy and non-handicapped students (HEBREW) MA Isman, Esther Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 The effect of illustration on the way a child in his/her late childhood relates to a story (HEBREW) MA Zilberberg Klar, Gabriela Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 Attachment styles, loneliness and social adjustment of boys and girls during later childhood (HEBREW) MA Zilbernagel Yarkoni, Shlomit Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1997 Immigration and family as factors in the adjustment of Ethiopian adolescent immigrants (HEBREW) MA Itzhaki, Haya Dr. Adriana Feldman
1997 Self consciousness and loneliness in the light of the Chabad theory of the psyche (HEBREW) MA Ben Ami, Miriam Dr. Adriana Feldman
1996 The effect of mainstreaming autistic children on the attitude and morality of their normal peers in a schoolroom setting (HEBREW) MA Mishori Edna Dr. Adriana Feldman
1993 The linkage of achievements in reading comprehension test and order of questions sorted according to Arisotelic [i.e. Aristotelian] logic (HEBREW) MA Barat, Dorit Dr. Adriana Feldman
Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach