Metacognitive feedback in online mathematical discussion

Kramarski, B.

Effects of two online inquiry discussions in mathematics are compared: one inquiry was based on metacognitive feedback guidance (MFG) and the other with no such guidance (NG). The MFG students were exposed to the IMPROVE metacognitive questioning method that serves as cues for solving the problem and features of providing feedback (Kramarski & Mevarech, 2003). A total of80 eighth-grade students participated in the study. Students were asked to solve online a real-life task and provide feedback to their peers about the solution process. Results indicated that the MFG students significantly outperformed the NG students in online problem-solving task. The MFG students were engaged more in online discussion with respect to mathematical and metacognitive aspects. They also succeeded more on a delayed written mathematical transfer test. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.


Kramarski, B. (2009).

Metacognitive feedback in online mathematical discussion. In R. Subramaniam & L. Tann Wee-Hin  (Eds.), Handbook of research on new media literacy at the k-12 level. Hershey: Information Science Reference.


Last Updated Date : 01/08/2018