Regulation, Globalization, And Privatization Of Higher Education

Davidovitch, N.

The foundations of higher education in Israel were established in the 1920’s with the opening of
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1925, after numerous difficulties and opponents were
overcome. Not only were the pioneers of higher education plagued by these difficulties, it
appeared that they were an integral element in the history of every other institution that has since
sought recognition as a university in Israel. Every institution that sought to penetrate the gates of
the ivory tower has encountered fierce opposition and the perpetual argument that Israel needs no
more universities. Surprisingly, each time, the heads of the existing universities stood at the
forefront of such opposition. Any attempt to establish a new university prompted them to issue
warnings about the dangers inherent in establishing yet another institution of higher education in

Davidovitch, N. and Iram, Y. (2014)

Regulation, Globalization, And Privatization Of Higher Education: The Struggle To Establish A University In Israel. Journal of International Education Research,10 (3), 201-218

Last Updated Date : 16/07/2018