Promoting Interfaith Education Through ICT – A Case Study

Gross, Z..
Through a case study, this chapter analyzes how a Jewish teacher attempts to explain a Jewish religious concept to a Muslim university student, to illustrate how interfaith education can operate in practice. First, I will discuss interfaith education in general and its challenges; then I will describe the case and show how interfaith education can be taught through face-to-face lessons and through information and communication technology (ICT) and analyze different modes of learning. I will suggest a model for transmitting interfaith knowledge through ICT and then discuss the need for building a community of knowledge exchange in interfaith education.

Gross, Z. (2010)

Promoting Interfaith Education Through ICT - A Case Study. In K. Engebretson, M. de Souza, G. Durka & L. Gearon (Eds.), International Handbook of Inter-religious Education ( International Handbooks of Religion and Education, Volume 4, Part 2, pp. 377-388). N. Y. : Springer

Last Updated Date : 18/12/2011