Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2004 Social and emotional behavior of toddlers with different types of temperament, in day care centers of different quality (HEBREW) MA Didi, Bat-Chen Prof. Pnina Klein
2004 Case study: development of scientific inquiry skills among students performing an open inquiry with metacognitive guidance in an ALN learning environment (HEBREW) MA Eilam, Efrat Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Prof. Michal Zion
2004 Case study: development of scientific inquiry skills among students performing an open inquiry with metacognitive guidance in an ALN learning environment (HEBREW) MA Eilam, Efrat Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Prof. Michal Zion
2004 The life journey of the wives of Yeshiva students (HEBREW) MA Elkoby, Odelia Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2004 The effect of "web based teaching" of Bible and History on students’ achievements and positions regarding the subject matter (HEBREW) MA Fleishman, Osnat Prof. David Passig
2004 The differences between the consistency of intuitive and DSS educational decisions in simple & complex educational situations (HEBREW) MA Gis, Miri Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2004 The effects of tutoring with computerized learning program of phonological awareness, in early education, on phonological awareness and on quantitative meaning of the numbers (HEBREW) MA Gitait, Aviva Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2004 A comparison between mother-child interactions around reading a picture book and a story (HEBREW) MA Halfon, Ester Prof. Pnina Klein
2004 The advancement of spatial thinking in virtual learning environments as a function of learning in 3D geometry with the assistance of metacognitive direction and content design to lessen mathematics anxiety (HEBREW) PhD Hauptman, Hanoch Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. David Passig
2004 The advancement of spatial thinking in virtual learning environments as a function of learning in 3D geometry with the assistance of metacognitive direction and content design to lessen mathematics anxiety (HEBREW) PhD Hauptman, Hanoch Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. David Passig
2004 The impact of virtual reality on the awareness of teenagers to the experiences and feelings of immigrant classmates in their first period in Israel (HEBREW) MA Heled, Mally Prof. David Passig
2004 Pedagogical beliefs of Tanach and Tushba teachers of girls in religious high schools (HEBREW) PhD Iluz, Shira Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2004 Attachment, differentiation and marital satisfication (HEBREW) MA Issac-Kerner, Roni Dr. Zeev Apel
2004 The influence of different techniques for increasing the cognitive interactivity among students in forums: teacher’s questioning, "friendly" interface, preparation programme and dividing the studied unit (HEBREW) MA Kaysar, Hanna Prof. David Passig
2004 Evaluating the senior volunteer program (GAV) in Israeli elementary schools, as reported by the professional staff and pupils that participated in the program (HEBREW) MA Knaan, Orly Dr. Mati Ronen
2004 The relationship between parents' attitudes towards their children’s school, their involvement in their child’s schooling and the emotional and social adjustment of their children in first grade (HEBREW) MA Korem, Liat Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2004 The relationship between parents' attitudes towards their children’s school, their involvement in their child’s schooling and the emotional and social adjustment of their children in first grade (HEBREW) MA Korem, Liat Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2004 Life stories of children with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Kouriel, Ronit Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2004 The effects of structured and unstructured (environmental) demomstration material on understanding of the number concept by kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Lavi, Idit Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2004 The effects of structured and unstructured (environmental) demomstration material on understanding of the number concept by kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Lavi, Idit Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2004 The affect of peer mediation with young children on mediational teaching style, cognitive modifiability and mathematical achievements among students with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Lazarovitch, Tamar Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2004 The relation between three factors (age of entry, time spent in daycare, the quality of daycare) and social behavior of young children (HEBREW) MA Lourie-Nissenbaum, Yonit Prof. Pnina Klein
2004 The relationship between management and leadership style and the managerial effectiveness of the early childhood educator (HEBREW) MA Malchi, Ilana Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2004 Teaching and learning programs for teaching the short story in heterogeneous classrooms in junior high school - a comparative study (HEBREW) MA Maler, Michal Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2004 Teaching and learning programs for teaching the short story in heterogeneous classrooms in junior high school - a comparative study (HEBREW) MA Maler, Michal Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan