Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1994 Creative thinking as a factor in determining the method of computer use in education (HEBREW) MA Golub, Mitka Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
1994 Feminine self-image characteristics of pre-adolescent girls in Israel's State Religious School System: Differences among groups and influences of educational programs (HEBREW) PhD Grizim, Chana Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1994 Promoting self-questioning skills and story comprehension in learning-disabled kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Layosh, Idit Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1994 Teachers' burnout, their perceptions of school organization and patterns of staff collaboration in the desegregated junior high schools (HEBREW) MA Mishor, Michal Dr. Hannah Shachar
1994 The connection between creativity and authoritativeness and the aspiration for a democratic school atmosphere and democracy as a system of administration (HEBREW) MA Nauerman, Judith Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1994 The quality of self-generated questions, story comprehension and self-directed learning behaviour in kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Ofir, Leah Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1994 Developments in pre-military education in Israel (1918-1993) (HEBREW) MA Shaked, Bella Prof. Yaakov Iram
1994 The community level at elementary schools and its impact on teachers, pupils and parents (HEBREW) MA Shaki, Chava Prof. Miryam Shemida
1994 Implementing cooperative learning in heterogeneous classrooms, teamwork, teacher efficacy and sense of responsibility in junior high schools (HEBREW) MA Shmuelevitz-Reichman, Hadas Dr. Hannah Shachar
1994 Physical activity and its contribution to psychological inoculation: Physical preparation for military service (HEBREW) MA Tzunz, Elon Dr. Moshe Israelashvili
1994 Social absorption of immigrant students from the CIS in primary and intermediate school grades (HEBREW) MA Varsano, Irit Dr.
1994 Influence of tele-screen on motivation and on students' attitudes concerning Judaic Studies (HEBREW) MA Zilkha, Gila Dr. Chava Tidhar
1993 The relationship between reaction to frustration, attributional style and depressive tendencies among adolescents (HEBREW) MA Adler, Malka Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1993 The linkage of achievements in reading comprehension test and order of questions sorted according to Arisotelic [i.e. Aristotelian] logic (HEBREW) MA Barat, Dorit Dr. Adriana Feldman
Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
1993 The linkage of achievements in reading comprehension test and order of questions sorted according to Arisotelic [i.e. Aristotelian] logic (HEBREW) MA Barat, Dorit Dr. Adriana Feldman
Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
1993 The relationship between the background variables, need for social approval, attitudes toward motherhood and the femininity of the professions among women (HEBREW) MA Carmeli, Limor Dr. Rachel Shifron
1993 The influence of life events, family functioning, perception of competence and ego identity on suicidal tendencies of adolescents (HEBREW) MA Even-Chen, Bella Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1993 The efficiency of using computerized databases and its influence on students' achievements (HEBREW) MA Feliks, Orna Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1993 The correlation between the father's unemployment and the career development of his adolescent children (HEBREW) MA Gali-Cinamon, Rachel Dr. Rachel Shifron
1993 The influence of an educational intervention program on attitude and coping strategies of pupils from disadvantaged schools who are in transition to junior high (HEBREW) MA Gomel, Chana Dr. Avigail Yinon
1993 The effects of educational intervention programs on self-concept: a meta-analytic study (HEBREW) MA Halabi, Rinat Dr.
1993 The influence of computer assisted instruction on critical thinking ability (HEBREW) MA Hauptman, Hanoch Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1993 Logo as meta-cognition, mathematical thinking and spacial perception development means (HEBREW) MA Kapa, Ester Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1993 The impact of preparation for emergency and previous experience of disaster on school effectiveness during "Operation Desert Storm" (HEBREW) MA Kuint, Sara Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
1993 Coping with stress situations as a function of self-esteem, causal attributional style, and epistemic ideology (HEBREW) MA Oren, Rachel Dr. Avigail Yinon